This fan-fiction is about Izuku Midoryia's road to being a villain. Starting off from the USJ Arc to The Hosu/Stain Arc this will be the first book in a series that will focus on Izuku Midoryia's fall to being a villain.
Be warned this a primary dia...
Me: You see after the tournament we went to Himiko's hotel room, when I got there I immediately just crashed. I woke up just a few hours ago and Himiko decided we should go to the near by Kiyashi Ward Shopping mall to buy me a new outfit so I could hide from the press. The news is calling me a psychopath and I got a text message from All Might that he had to move my mom out of my house because of the media.
*1 hour earlier*
Me: Himiko look what those bastards to my mom
Himiko: What happened Izuku is she in trouble
Me: The media is making me a villain and they went after my mom
Himiko: Oh no Izuku, this society is fucked up, but is she okay?
Me: Yeah she was moved out but It's not fair, how can they do that
Himiko: That is why we will change society together Izuku
Me: Thanks Himiko
Himiko: Your Welcome Izuku, but you need to focus on you for now
Me: Your right, I need to focus on my purpose
Himiko: That's it Izuku, keep being positive, now let's get you some clothes
Me: huh... wait what?
Himiko: Izuku look at this
Me: *Going to where Himiko was calling me* did you find an outfit?
Himiko: Yeah *holds up a black suit with a black tie and a trench coat over*. It looks awesome doesn't it Izuku
Me: Oh that looks amazing Himiko and it's even better since you picked it out.
Himiko: And look what I picked out *in her other hand was an over sized black cardigan with a rather long hem and cuffs and red knee socks with black shoes* now we match Izuku
Me: That's amazing Toga it's like we are a co... I mean it's....
Himiko: *confused look* It's what Izuku?
Me: Umm...
Himiko: Awww your so adorable when you are confused Izuku
Me: *face turns completely red*
Himiko: Now that you have a new outfit we should dye your hair
Me: My hair?
Himiko: Your hair makes you stand out Izuku so let's go dye it, they have a hair salon over there *pointing to a hair salon on the floor above*
Me: What color are you thinking
Himiko: hmmm, oh I know how about black it brings the whole outfit together
Me: Okay Himiko, let's do this!!!
Himiko: Wow Izuku you sure are excited
Me: Well I guess you could say the outfit and my soon to be new hair color, I'm a new person. No All Might, No society and I can spend time with you Himiko, it just so... happy you know?
Himiko: Well then Izuku, let dye your hair *smiles*
Me:After I got my hair dyed we went back to Toga's house where she had prepared enough food to last us the trip and her own mysterious backpack that she insisted on keeping it a secret. I changed into my outfit, I felt like a changed person, a new Izuku if you will.... I guess it was the first time I was free, free from the pressure of living up to All Might, free from the hero society that branded me a villain, free from Kacchan bullying me. As long as I have Himiko I can do anything
What the new Izuku looks like
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Izuku is a lot more serious (except around Himiko) He keeps his polite personality but his clothes show his inner emotions. His hair is also black to complete this new look.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter, please tell me in the comment section whether or not you liked the story so far.