It was during that time
ages ago, it now seems.
When I wandered the streets
of the big city.Looking for shards of light
and glimmers of promise
in the concrete jungle.Where, ironically
was illuminated.It was on one
such night
that I witnessed
the good Samaritan
and his deeds.And in an instant
I decided
to become
like him.To do as he did.
To help others
without regard
for my own needs.With just my two hands.
My heart
My dedication.Driven by unselfishness
and the urge
to help those
less fortunate.I gave it up
as I realised
it was too much
of a selfish
undertaking.I gave it up
because I soon ended up
feeling better
and more
self content
than I deemed healthy.To the point
of borderline
narcissism.Like a superhero
for the
Ill-fated.I still roam the streets,
of the big city
from time to time.But I no longer
search for shards
of light.As I now
see clearlyThe omnipresent
of rays of hope.
PoetrySome everyday musings and poems! Third place winner in «Write On Contest 2020». Third place winner in «The Poetry Award 2020». Second place winner in «Poetry Dreams Awards 2019» with «Provider of hope». All the limericks have been moved to "My Book...