Message to reader

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Hi Readers,

Before reading this book I wanted to say a few things:

Firstly, this is one of my first serious books I am sharing on Wattpad, which is kind of nerve racking but I think this will be a great book.

Secondly, I am not American , however I thought it would be fun to set this book in Florida. If something doesn't seem American, remember I am raised in England so sorry in advance.

Thirdly, I am not trying to offend anyone by saying my main character is an immigrant. I am raised with parents from completely different parts of the world and love this about me. I wanted to incorporate something about me into this book, so I hope this is not seen as disrespect to anyone, because I am multicultural.

Lastly, I go to school so updating will be hard but I will try to be frequent so the suspense doesn't kill you.

That's all from me, so I hope you like this book.

All the ideas are mine, so please do not steal anything as this has copyright.

Thanks xxx

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