Chapter Twenty Nine- The Third Round

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"I AM EXTREMELY PROUD OF YOU!" Coach Taylore exclaims," Now, we only have to get through the third round and we'll be in the finals! We can get the chance of winning the American High School Basketball Teams Tournament! Our-."

"Come on, Coach! We can't dedicate the rest of our lives listening to your cheesy speech," Logan sneers, rolling his eyes.

All of the team bursts into laughter. Coach Taylor raises his eyebrow, unimpressed.

"Fine! Go have fun but that don't get into trouble!" Coach adds," I expect to see you all at training on Monday!"

However, it seems like he's talking to himself because as soon as he pronounced 'fine', everybody runs out.

Logan catches up with me and we're laughing so hard that we're out of breath by the time we approach Lara.

"Guys, you've just played basketball, you haven't run a marathon!" Lara reminds us, smirking.

"Nah really, Lara? Mind blown!" Logan declares, hand gestures circling around his head.

I chuckle while Lara rolls her eyes.

"Control the attitude. Otherwise, I'm sending you home and only Luna's coming to see my surprise," Logan warns, wagging his finger.

"You would try to get Luna alone, anyway," Lara teases.

I drop my eyes to the floor and I only manage to see Logan's cheeks burning.

"I'm going home," Logan whispers before starting to walk in a different direction.

"Logan, you're so sensitive! I was joking! Come on, I want to see your surprise!" Lara tackles, shoving her cousin.

I approach Logan.

"Come on, Logan! Whatever comes out of Lara's mouth is not worth listening to. You know that, right?" I whisper.

"Hey!" Lara argues.

"It's the truth, cuz," Logan argues back, a smile returning to his face," Let's go!"

Logan leads us to his surprise.

"I was right, though," Lara whispers," How come he didn't listen to me when I tried convincing him but he listened to you?"

"I already told you: Whatever comes out of Lara's mouth is not worth listening to!" I explain.

Lara throws a playful punch at me.

"Don't you start ganging up on me, too," Lara adds.

"I won't."

"Logan, just tell us, already! Being in quiet park when it's about to get dark is kinda scary"!" Lara wheedles.

"Wait, you impatient scaredy-cat!" Logan snaps.

I chuckle silently. Impatient scaredy-cat? I guess that phrase is right: you hear something new every day. Logan starts climbing a hill.

"Is the surprise on the hill? Because I'm not wasting my time climbing that hill if it's not for a good reason," Lara asks.

"Suit yourself! But don't say that I didn't warn you," Logan says.

After hearing this, Lara joins the climb up the hill with us.

Logan unpacks his rucksack, revealing a picnic blanket and food. He lays the blanket on the floor and spreads the contents of the rucksack on it. There's sandwiches with different fillings, chicken wings that feel like they've just been warmed, pasta salad, roast potatoes and squash.

We enjoy with relish the meal and watch the pinkish, orangey sky as the sun sets.

"Oh! That's why Auntie Meg passed you that rucksack when the game was over!" Lara realises.

Darkness is settling around us. Stars twinkle beautifully.

"Do you know what I think?" Logan questions.

Lara and I both shrug.

"That stars are an example of how there is always a light in the darkness."

"Can I go home?" I wail.

"Is this a habit of yours: wailing before a basketball game?" Lara asks.

"We all have different ways of showing our nerves," I explain.

"Well, I guess nerves are good: they show you care."

I nod.

"Basketball is all I have left of Ella."

"Lakeville High School will be facing Palm Beach High School in the finals," the commentator announces.

Lakeville High School: us.

We're in the finals!

The Immigrant Who Played BasketballWhere stories live. Discover now