Chapter Sixteen-"I won't let Ella down."

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What have I got myself into? I had the PERFECT chance to not attend this party but I let Logan's words get to my head. Now, I'm walking out of the gym, letting his cousin take me to the school bus, to her house and lastly to the party.

We take the back seats of the bus and as the journey starts, I make it clear that I don't want to talk to her so she obeys and stares and goes: TAP!TAP!TAP! on her phone. Unfortunately, this awkward silence doesn't last for so long.

"...So, tell me about yourself," Lara says, searching a way to break the discomfort amongst us.

"What do you want to know about me?"

"Do you have any siblings?"

"No, it's just Mamma and I."

Oh no! I completely forgot about my Mum. I click the power button and finds her message:

Can't wait to hear about basketball

Guilt pricks my stomach like a thorn. I send:

Soz, Mom. Was invited to a party that is happening tonight. Tell you all about it when I get home. Thanks

"I'm the only child too! There's Mom and Dad and also Auntie Meg, Uncle Jonah, Logan and Maria, who live a few blocks down."

"How many people are going to be at the party?"

"It's Rihanna's birthday bash so...-."

"There's going to be the whole senior year."

Rihanna is the most prettiest, popular and coolest girl in our year and everybody wants to be her 'friend'(more like a minion).

"Time to get off."

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------American houses are big. Right?


American houses are massive!!! of them is where Lara lives!

The massive front garden is full of a variety of flowers from prickly roses to bright daffodils to popular daises to terrific tulips to vibrant sunflowers to the strong scent of jasmine that tastes of Mamma's tea and the lavender that is used like a lullaby to help go to sleep.

"Nice flowers!" I say as the compliment leaves a sour aftertaste on my tongue.

"Thanks! We grow fruit and veg in the back garden too."

Lara leads me to the porch, where a grand oak door stands and she raps her knuckles against the wood. Through the oak door, I can hear the tap-tap of high heels against what seems to be a polished floor leads to the sound of the key turning in the lock, revealing Lara's mum.

Wow! Do you know the phrase 'like mother like daughter'? Well, the resemblance between Lara and her mum is the extreme level. In front of me, stands an older version of Lara, with the same blonde haircut tied into the same messy hairstyle, the same ocean blue eyes, the same thin eyebrows and the same nose. If it wasn't for the blouse and skirt Lara's mum was wearing, I would have discovered identical sisters. It's kind of freaky!

"For goodness' sake Lara, just a little harder and you would have knocked the whole house down as well as the door off its hinges," Lara's mum says, turning straight to her daughter and then finally noticing me, changing her tone, "Oh hello, dearie."

A wave of timidity washes over me.

"Hi, Lara's Mum," I squeak quietly that I'm surprised that I haven't transformed into a little mouse.

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