Chapter Eight- 'She overcame everything that was meant to destroy her'

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Maria's POV

Today was definitely the worst day of my life.

Luna, the girl who may have lived in a different country from me up until now, but always stood by me, even in difficult situations.

Luna, the girl who always strengthened me even when I felt weak.

Luna, the girl who always guided me through the dark even when I felt lost.

Luna, the girl who was the other part of me.

Luna, the girl who ended our friendship today.

All because of stupid basketball. All because of my competitive brother, Logan. All because of me, I pushed her too hard until she reached her limit. Today, we had the biggest and most serious argument us two have ever had, which caused Luna to have small tears accumulate in her eyes.

It was about a lot of subjects.

It was about basketball.

It was about Logan.

Finally, it was about Ella, Luna's bestie and my mutual friend.

After telling Logan about Luna not-wanting-to-join-any-club situation, I thought I did the right deed as a friend. However, that soon backfired as he challenged Luna to a one on one basketball match against him. I wasn't in on this but in the end I deserved part of the blame because I put her under pressure, especially when she told me of the offer of joining the basketball team from Coach Taylor.

If I had a superpower of my choice, I would choose to have the power to change bad days into good ones. Since that argument, for the whole day, I've been trying to fix my friendship with Luna but she has been avoiding me (annoyingly and successfully too) so it seems like there's nothing I can do.

"Don't worry, Maria. Luna was angry and when people are angry, they say things that they don't mean," Chloe tries to reassures me.

Usually, I would listen to the person's reassurance but today all I think about what Luna said to me during our argument: Yeah. Were. Only people who understand me are my friends and you don't so our friendship is over.

I shake my head to rid of that dark thought that's haunting me. Is Luna's and I friendship really over?

Luna's POV

Why am I so sensitive?

Why do I feel like crying when I was the one who ended my friendship with Maria?

Why do I feel like I'm being torn apart?

Why do I feel this is not me, not the real Luna?

For the whole day, I avoid Maria and Chloe because I still can't believe the words I said: Our friendship is over. Luckily, today I didn't have any lessons with Maria or Chloe so it was no struggle. I had PE with Logan but he left me alone for the first time ever. He would give me side glances, but that was only thing he did, knowing not to push me in a vulnerable state.

After lesson seven, I walk to the gym, dragging my legs because I felt as if both of them stopped working. I open the door and see Coach Taylor, the person I'm looking for but unfortunately, it must be basketball practice because the whole team are there. I stand awkwardly by the door, waiting for somebody to notice me. Coach Taylor is the first to see me and he looks happy, clearly expecting for the opposite of the answer I'm about to give.

"Hi, Luna. Can I help you?"

"Coach Taylor, I've thought about your offer and I'm sorry but I'm going to refuse."

"Oh. Of course, I understand but if you change your mind at all the offer is still on the table."

"Ok. Thank you."

Before I leave, I quickly catch a glimpse of Logan's face. On it, is the look of disappointment that I can't bear to look at for a second longer.

I take the bus home and for the first time in my life I'm dreading to go back to it, as Mamma is still being silent around me. As I enter the house, I can hear the shuffling of footsteps and Mom is at the end of the corridor, wearing a white tracksuit top, a black Adidas top, a pair of black Adidas leggings and black Adidas gazelle trainers.

"Sbrigati, fai uno spuntino e usciamo (Hurry up. Have a snack and we're going out)," my mum instructs me as I lock the door behind me.

I am surprised at the fact that she's finally talking to me and we're going out together today when we had no plans. I gobble down a Hershey's chocolate bar and drop my school bag on the floor before following Mamma who's already leaving the house with her Adidas gym bag.

"Andiamo in palestra (We're going to the gym)?" I ask.

"Vedrai (You'll see)."

Both of us walk in silence, while I try to figure out where we're going. We're not going to the gym because we're walking in the opposite direction. Could we be going for a run? Mom leads me to a park, the same one that ever since we moved here, I suggested my mum to go to but she always answered another time. I smile that she has kept to her word.

Dogs are happily running wild with their owners occasionally throwing balls while children are chasing each other and adults basking in the gentle sunlight. I thought Mamma would start running by now but she continues her stroll, her pace not increasing. There are outdoor tennis and badminton courts, netball courts, a football pith and a basketball court.

"Are we going to play some tennis?" I question.

I quite like tennis and sometimes, Mamma and I would play a match together at a park.


"Then, what are we going to play?"

I glance at the badminton court, football pitch and netball court. I wouldn't mind playing any of those sports.


I freeze. Did I just hear correctly or did Mom just say we're going to play basketball?

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