Chapter Eighteen-"Just party until you can't no longer."

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I barely recognise Rihanna as she welcomes us in. True, she wears a lot of makeup to school and wears something new and different every day but she's gone full out today. Her blonde-highlighted hair is tied into half a side braid and the rest is effortlessly, but in a cool way, wavy. Coral pink lipstick stands out from her fake-tanned skin, the fake eyelashes covers her eyes and has short, black fake nails. She is wearing a long-sleeved black top, a grey overall dress, black tights and a pair of black vans. It seems like she has sprayed too much Chanel perfume.

"Hi. Glad you could come. Just party until you can't no longer," Rihanna briefly welcomes us and she strolls back through the crush of guests. Logan's friends make their excuses to leave, some of them to find their girlfriends, some to go play videogames and the rest to get a drink.

"I'm feeling a bit thirsty myself," Lara adds," Be back in a sec."

"Me too," I lie, only to avoid being left alone with Logan.

"No worries. I'll get your drink," Lara insists.

"It's ok. I'm kinda picky when it comes to drinks," I argue back.

"K. Tell me what drink you want," Lara persisted.

I sigh, defeated.


"Cool. Won't be long."

Lara winks directly at Logan as I watch her disappear.

An awkward silence hangs over us. Weirdly enough, Logan hasn't said something annoying.

"Do you want to go explore?" Logan asks, visibly uncomfortable.

"Shouldn't we wait for Lara," I suggest.

"She's a teenager, not a toddler."

"Was she already annoying as a toddler?"

Logan laughs heartily, the unease wearing off.


"Like you?"

"I was, am and will never be annoying."

"In your dreams."

"Ha. Very funny. Come on, let's see where's the most people. The more people, the more chaos," Logan urged and before I know it...he grabs my hand.

A tingling sensation vibrates throughout my body as he leads me into Rihanna's living room, where it's chaotic: the excited chatter and laughter goes over the buzz of the TV and the thumping of dance steps. The feeling vanishes as Logan lets go of my hand.

"You know, if I wasn't annoying, then you would have never had joined the basketball team and played basketball ever again," Logan compliments himself, proudly.

"I think I would have done it eventually so..."

"But I quickened the process, right?"

There's an anxious twinkle in his eye, something I've never seen in Logan before.

I blush, incapable of replying; hoping that he doesn't see. But my wish doesn't come true.

"I guess that's a yes?"


"Yes! You admitted it!"

I stick my tongue out, childishly. Logan sticks out his back at me.

"I guess that I'm not getting a thank you today?" Logan prompts.

I sigh. He will never leave me alone again after I say this.

"Thanks," I whisper quickly.

"Sorry, what?" Logan asks, one hand cupped to his ear.

"I'll take it back."

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