Chapter 3

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Suddenly, the light in my room turned on right in my face and it flashed into my eyes. It was so bright and sudden! I fell down with the nets and everything on me and eyes watering intensely and me rubbing them just to make things worse. I tried to get up but the nets and clothes were tangled.
I felt a fuzzy feeling which later turn into cold hard ground that moved and I was freaking out. The light shut once again and a familiar voice echoed,
"I'm so sorry. I did not intend for that to happen."
"Gaara, it's okay. I need to go to the washroom to splash water in my eyes. I'll be back" I said and I got down from the pedestal.
Before I could even take my first step, my leg tangled up in the cloth and I lost balance, which did end up in me probably getting into deep trouble. I shut my eyes waiting to listen to the hideous sound of cloth tearing, but I never heard it.
Instead I found myself, both hands on Gaara's shoulder, locking my gaze in his, I clung on to his coat while he held me to my waist to help me. My eyes widened, a blush ran on my face from ear to ear and I didn't know what to do. I was just dumbfounded because it wasn't the same gaze anymore. It wasn't the sad and lonely gaze anymore. It was a yearning and confident gaze, which I liked to see.
"I'm so sorry" I managed to mutter under my breath which I doubt he heard. He just kept looking at me with such an awe.
"I know you." He said softly but coldly.
"Ahem ahem" Kankuro-san cleared his throat as he switched on the light which was this time was on my back. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything but it's dinner time." He smirked a little.
Gaara turned around, still carrying me like he was. My face was so flushed and hot, I couldn't even open my eyes.
"We'll be there." Gaara said calmly and turned around again and continued looking at me.
"Uh... Umm... Gaara, I mean Kazekage-sama, you can let me down now" I barely managed to say.
"Not yet. If I do, you will try to walk and ruin the clothes." He said not being flustered at all by the situation.
I tried to look behind me about what was going on and I suddenly felt a tickle on my barefoot. I started laughing a bit but since the tickle got stronger I couldn't help but contain myself. I couldn't move my leg around too much because Gaara's sand was holding it in place, and there right in his face, laughing like a maniac. What a beautiful first impression! Great job!
"You have to stop moving that much" He said, his voice sounding of a little difficulty.
"I'm...sorry it just... tickles... I can't help it." I managed to blurt out laughing intermittently and loudly.
My hand slipped off of his shoulder and he couldn't manage to balance my weight as well. We were both about to fall to our side but Gaara's sand saved us from hitting the ground. Now, I lay there next to him, his hand still on my waist and him smiling at me.
"It's done." He said smilingly getting of the sand and helping me up too.
"T-T-Thank you, Gaara... I mean Kazekage-sama" I said to him my face still red and hot.
"Are you okay?" I stared closer to me. "Your face is red." He said touching my forehead and his at the same time to compare. "It is hot too. I think you are overworking yourself. You should take a break, but have dinner first.." He said to me and I couldn't handle it anymore.
"Sure." I said and passed out on the spot and lay down on the floor.
"The dresses!" I screamed as I sat up in what looked like the infirmary. The nurse came rushing in with a horrified expression on her face.
"Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you." I said running the back of my head.
"Oh! You're awake. Seems like you overworked yourself. Kazekage-sama bought you here, passed out. So dramatic, bridal style." She recalled almost fangirling.
"Ne, Ne, how did it feel?! Is Kazekage-sama really your boyfriend or something?" She asked me expectantly.
"No. No. There's nothing of the sort. I just fainted I guess and he carried me here. I mean he would've done the same thing with anyone, even if it were a guy." I explained to her. Her enthusiasm toned down for a bit and she continued,"Okay then. Listen. I'm gonna give you multivitamin tablet prescription. Eat well and on time. Don't let your work take a toll on your body, okay? I understand that the wedding is around the corner and you're in a hurry but remember this slow is smooth, smooth is fast. Get it?"
"That's very perceptive, nurse." Gaara said standing behind her.
"Thank you, Kazekage-sama." She said and flashed me an evil smirk. "I'm gonna go get the medicines and your prescription. I'll be back." She said and she turned to Gaara. " Kazekage-sama, can you please keep an eye on this little troublemaker over here. Please don't let her step off the bed. She is still weak." She smiled at him and left.
"Ugh. I need to go back to designing! I have to prepare for the selection tomorrow! I have so many things to do! The wedding is in just a month! I can't jus-"
"Do you mind?" Gaara asked interrupting my yelling as he pulled a chair.
"O-o-o-ofcourse. Please, Kazekage-sama" I gestured him to take his seat.
"Just Gaara is fine." He smiled.
"I'm gonna go to my-"
"Nope. You're not going anywhere." He said sternly.
"But Kazekage-sama! G-G-Gaara!" I made a face at him.
"If I can do it for you instead, I'll be happy to help" he offered.
"But Gaara! You're the Kazekage! I can't just, you know" I tried to explain with gestures but he didn't understand. He just kept looking at me in such an innocent and pure way. Oh my god! Gaara! He's such an angel! His eyes! I'm gonna cry!
"You can't accept my help because I'm the Kazekage, right?" He brought me out of my thoughts.
"Yes, Gaara." I smiled at him.
"Well, I don't want you to think of me as the Kazekage now. I want you to think of me as a younger brother of a bride." He said.
"But Gaara, listen" I said and accidently looked into his eyes. His willingness to do something to make his sister feel better, his genuine love for her, his respect for his brother-to-be and his wish to be useful.
"I will try to be talk to Kankuro-san. Okay?" I sighed and he smiled.
"Thank you. Kankuro will listen to you. I am sure of it" he said and the nurse came back with us smiling at each other and me saying,
"I'm only doing this because you asked me, okay?"
"But please, do not tell anyone about this."
"Don't worry. I won't tell a soul." I smiled.
"I am grateful for everything that you are doing for me. I know this is not very acceptable for me as Kazekage to behave like this with you. I just am glad you are helping me." He said taking my hand.
"What are you doing, Gaara?! You can't do that. You're the Kazekage!" I immediately drew my hand back.
"I'm sorry" he frowned a bit.
" Okay. I guess I'll go talk to Kankuro-san." I said
"Absolutely not. You are not going anywhere." The nurse walked in smirking.
"Yes, she is right. You should rest a bit. I will send Kankuro for you" Gaara smiled and left.
"Somebody isn't dating the Kazekage, huh?" She nudged me.
"Hein?" I gave her a confused stare.
"Listen, if you guys have a thing for each other it's absolutely fine. Don't hide it from me. Did you pass out because he tried to kiss you or something?!" She asked me looking for new gossip.
"Oh my god! Can you just let that go? I am not dating the Kazekage and he would never try to kiss me or anything! He would never do that! Plus, I have to talk to Kankuro-san now, please. Let me go." I said annoyed with her.
"Okay. Okay. Calm down. Geez. I was just making small talk. You sit here, don't move around too much. I'll let you be." She left.
After a while of getting annoyed of all this, I drank a glass of water and started panicking about the wedding again.
"Gaara told me to see you" Kankuro-san said as he entered the infirmary.
" Yes. He asked me to make a request to you, but unfortunately, I am sick and I am advised not to move from my bed for another 2 days." I explained.
"That's bad. Considering you told me about the 3 months thing." His eyes widened.
"Yes. That's why I need help from someone." I said hesitantly.
"Okay. Who's that?" He asked.
"Gaara" I blurted out.
"What?! Do you realise what you're even saying?! Gaara?! By the way, it is Kazekage-sama for you. Also what?!"
"See, Kankuro-san, I know what I am saying. Do you know what the media is going to say? A lot of people still think there's a killer in Gaara. They will be like the Kazekage didn't do anything even for his sister's wedding and stuff. I'm saying for his own good." I tried.
"Gaara can take care of his public image on his own. Thank you but he doesn't need your help! I can't have the Kazekage being laboured with petty stuff like a dress."
"Petty stuff?" I raised my eyebrow. "Fine. Don't concern the Kazekage with the petty stuff. Don't even concern Temari-san with the petty stuff. Why are you paying someone so much if this is petty stuff?!" I stared at him angrily.
"Listen, I just meant I can't have Gaara do manual labour."
"Why because it's insulting? The Kazekage working for his sister is insulting? The Kazekage doing something that is important to his family is insulting? I don't mind doing the dress and the team and everything else on my own, but if people get to know that all Gaara did for his sister's wedding was sign papers and get a materialistic gift, you will see on your own what I am trying to say. But since, that time is too late, you wouldn't be able to do anything about it." I said angrily almost without a clue of what I said.
"Fine! You win okay! You've convinced me! I'll talk to Gaara." He said.

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