Chapter 8

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"So, Sai, when's your big day?" Naruto smiled at him.
"Let's see. I want Ino to be most comfortable and happy about it." He blushed.
"Guess, our women are our main focus now." Kiba said as he sighed remembering his girlfriend and smiling.
"They have a way of doing that." Shikamaru said as he looked over at the girl talking and laughing.
"They have magic in them. That's how they do it, Shikamaru" Chouji smiled at him and looked over at a redhead from Kumokagure.
"I don't know about magic, but they do have a certain charm to them." I added being reminded of all the memories I had with designer girl.
"But still, Gaara," Naruto pouted, "I can't believe you didn't tell me you had a girlfriend!"
"I thought you were Uchiha Sasuke's friend." I joked.
"Hey!" He whined and kept quiet.
"Naruto, since you're the only on with a wife as of now, any tips?" Shikamaru asked changing the topic.
"Well, Hinata is not like other girls. She is very understanding and kind. She usually keeps everything ready for me like my dinner, my bath and my change of clothes. I have never had her complain about anything. Plus, she looks super pretty all the time. I just try not to hurt her." He said thinking hard about his life.
"Okay. Okay. We all know how much Naruto loves his wife now." Chojouro laughed.
"That's true." He scratched the back of his head and made Shikamaru laugh.
"Shikamaru," I turned to him, "Don't ever leave the dishes after you eat dinner. She will kill you." I smiled at him.
"Thank you, Gaara. I'll remember that." He smiled back before continuing, "Taaka. Troublesome."
"It's a drab, but what are you looking forward to the most in your married life?" Darui asked Shikamaru.
"Taaka." He smiled and blushed, "Coming home to Temari saying 'Welcome home' and spending time with her."
"I'm sure Naruto never gets to listen to Hinata saying that." Kiba laughed and Naruto pouted.
"Naruto, what would've happened if you hadn't married Hinata?" I asked him, seriously this time.
He looked a little sad and serious, "If I hadn't married Hinata, I probably would be very lonely. I would have been very guilt ridden that I couldn't recognize her feelings. I would've never been complete without her. She is my strength." He said looking up at the sky and blushing, "If I hadn't married her, I don't think I would've been able to live as happily as I am. She is my support, she is my fun, she is my responsibility and she is also my only one."
"Darui, why don't you have a girlfriend?" Kiba asked.
"It's a drab, and I haven't found anyone I want to share it with" he answered swiftly.
"Sai, how do feel about Ino? You being from the Foundation and all?" I asked him.
"She makes me feel things I can't describe. She makes me feel like I am the strongest man to ever exist and I can do anything." He looked down, blushed and looked up to me again and said, "She makes me feel like I am the only one for her. She makes me want to protect her even though she doesn't need it."
I smiled at his response. I could resonate to the feeling.
"It is late and the wedding celebration is done. So, I would like to request you all to occupy your chambers along with your families. Thank you." I said standing up and announcing formally.
Everyone stood up.
"Hinata!" Naruto called out to her, ran over to her and picked her up in his arms. She blushed profusely and buried her face in her palms. Just like designer girl.
Shikamaru walked over to Temari and took her hand in his.
Sai went over to Ino and whispered something to her to which she blushed and laughed with him.
Kiba went over to his girlfriend and hugged her.
The redhead from Kumokagure went over to Chouji and they both blushed alongside each other.
Tenten and Designer Girl walked to their rooms on their own.
We all went to our rooms and got changed into normal clothes.
I walked over to her room and peeked in. She had her hair to a side. She sat in front of her mirror and combed it slowly as it flew freely and danced with the wind.
"May I come in?" I smiled my usual smile that appeared automatically because of her.
"Gaara" she stood up in her place with the comb in her hand after turning around to look at me.
"Did I interrupt something? Did I come at the wrong time?"I asked looking at the comb.
"Oh no." She looked at the comb and put in down on her dressing table. "Come in, please." She welcomed me.
"It was a nice ceremony. Everyone looked so happy, they had smiles on their faces, everyone was enjoying eating, talking, laughing and having fun with their friends." She said walking over from the dressing table to the bed.
"Yes. That is very true." I said closing the door behind me.
"I enjoyed too." I smiled at her in the dim moonlight. I hesitantly and slowly stepped towards her.
She looked at me walk towards her and uttered,
"Gaara! What if someone comes and sees us?" She was skeptical.
"Everyone is busy with their girlfriends, and so am I" I explained calmly.
I took another step forward and stood right in front of her, "I don't want to make any move before confirming your feelings and comfort. So, I have sorted out my feelings about us and I have only one thing to say to you. I love you. I'm gonna kiss you now, if you don't want me to, tell me." I said and stood there waiting for an answer.
"I-I-I-I" I didn't understand why she was stuttering so much, "I will tell you my real feelings, but before that I want to confirm something. Do you really remember me?" She asked him.
"I remember a raven haired girl getting dragged on the streets by her legs because her family had to sell her to pay rent. I remember the girl looking at me crying and asking me for help. I remember how much pain I felt looking at you like that. I remember killing the person dragging you after your family had given up hope of seeing you alive. I remember you hugging me crying and thanking me. I remember how calm and happy I felt after doing that. I remember you not listening to anyone who called me "The Monster" or "The Ultimate Weapon". I remember you saving me from my father once by arguing with the then Kazekage even as a kid because you considered me your friend. I remember seeing you being dragged away from me by your family on the Kazekage's orders. I remember you being beaten up by your family because you insisted on being friends with me. I remember how painful it was for me to distance myself from you. But I won't let that happen to you anymore." I couldn't control myself anymore. I hugged her tightly, never wanting to let go of her again.
"You have suffered a lot because of me. You have been to hell because of me. I can't do anything more than apologize for that. So, please forgive me." I said holding her in my arms.
"You remember, everything?" She looked at me, surprised and crying.
"All this time, you felt so lonely?" She hugged me back tightly,
"All this time, you went through all that to protect me? All this time you felt the same pain as I did? How can I not love you, Gaara? I love you. I love you so much" I hugged him and cried to my heart's content.
I never wanted to let go off of her, but she slowly broke the hug. She looked at me like she had never before. She still had tears in her eyes, but she looked incredibly happy.
She traced the letter on my forehead, slowly whispering, "Love."
She thought I had forgotten her. She's not completely wrong. I had but I still knew it was her based on the feeling.
But this wasn't the time to think.
I looked at her and let myself loose in the onyx lakes of her soul. I held on to her chin, pulled her in slowly.
I hesitated a little but I wasn't sure what to do. I just pulled her face up gently. She stood on her toes and my hand instinctively went to holding on to her waist.
I put my hand from my chin to her face and she tilted her face a bit, I tilted mine the other way. I closed the distance between is and kissed her. I pressed my lips against hers and all my thoughts just vanished.
"G-Gaara" she said as she panted due to breathlessness.
"Not now" I said to her and kissed her again, but this time with more confidence, passion and intense. I kissed her like I wasn't gonna see her ever again.
We dropped on her bed and sat down while kissing. I moved on from her lips to her neck, to he shoulders.
There was a knock on the door. "Hey! You busy? Wanna hang out?" Ino asked.
"This is my room" I yelled out loud closing her mouth tightly.
"Oh! Sorry Gaara! I didn't know" and she walked off.
"Why did you do that?" She asked.
"Because I wanted to do this" I leaned in again and instead of kissing me lips, he kissed my neck, slowly caressed it as he moved on to my shoulders.
"G-Gaara" she moaned a bit. I slowly pushed the strap to the side and continued kissing.
She tugged to my jacket collar and pulled me in. She unzipped it. I was a little scared but she unzipped it. I put the jacket on the floor and took off her top as well.
She moved her hands over my chest in such a way that I couldn't resist. I wanted to ravage her then and there.
I kissed her as looked at me bar chested.
She reached my belt and unhooked it, her lips slowly caressing my chest. She took off and dropped my pants on the floor. I slid her pajama down and kissed her thighs.
"No. Gaara" she said pushing me away a little,"We can't do this."
"Are you not comfortable?" I asked, confused.
"No. It's not about that." She panicked.
"What else is it?" He gulped a little.
"Gaara, you're the Kazekage and you should be doing this to someone who you can afford to be seen outside with. You... You... Ugh" she sighed and dropped on the bed.
"Gaara, listen. I love you so much, okay? And I want to do it with you, but you are the Kazekage. You are from a royal family and I run a measly dress shop at the corner of the village. You are an important person for the village Gaara and your partner should also be someone like that. Someone strong, someone beautiful, someone who doesn't need to be protected. I haven't even been to the Academy! I am not particularly skilled at any jutsus either. And..."
"Let me ask you one question" I looked at her.
"What?" She hesitated a bit.
"Do you think these things really matter?" I asked.
"I...uhh... No." I sighed and then smiled.
Suddenly, we were at it again. It was rollercoaster of emotions, there were ups and downs but pleasure all the time. Her body sent jolts of electricity into mine.
"Get dressed now, Kazekage-sama" she said as we laid next to each other, panting.
I wore my pants and as he was putting on his jacket, she quickly ran and hugged me.
"Hey!" She puffed my cheeks within the jacket.
"Who asked you to do that?" I smirked.
"I am stuck now!" She whined and tried to move.
"Is it that bad?"
She just looked away and kept hugging.
"Okay. I need my pajamas." She said and quickly got dressed.
We had some friendly banter and then went into deep sleep.
This was a sleep I had never experienced before. A kind of sleep that was calming, relaxing. It was the sleep where I knew I wasn't alone anymore. The kind of sleep I always craved for since my childhood. Finally, I was having that sleep, because of her. I love her.
I love her.

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