Chapter 5

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I handed the list to a guard and asked him to send someone out. I also asked him to put all the materials in the workspace itself, so that even if I am engaged in my paperwork, she could continue her work.
"Ugh" I slammed on the table with a this in my office, "I can't concentrate with her in my head all the time."
I got up from my table and headed straight for the workspace where I thought I would find her. I spotted her standing alone in the corridor outside Temari's room. I thought Temari said something to make her feel bad, so I put my hand on her shoulder.
"G-G-G-GAARA!" She almost screamed.
What happened?" I asked concerned. I almost felt guilty.
"I... Uh... Walked into the room at the wrong time" she hesitated and buried her face in her palms. This was Kankuro's reaction when he accidentally entered the women's bath once.
"What was Temari doing?" I asked, because she clearly wasn't bathing.
"Th-th-they were k-k-k-kissing." She said softly, as if she didn't want me to hear her.
"Oh" I said completely unflustered, remembering Shikamaru's talk about Eros and Pragma.
"Let's go" she grabbed my wrist, picked up her clip board and rushed to our workspace.
"The suit jackets have all been buttoned." I informed her.
"Oh. That's great, isn't it, Gaa-" she looked up from her clipboard at me. I knew I was staring. I knew I was being scary, but I had to know. Did she feel the same Eros and Pragma towards me that I felt towards her?
"Gaa-" she didn't say anything. She just kept looking at me like that with a slight red on her face.
"W-w-what's wrong?" She asked me trying to step back, but instead she was now sitting in a chair and I was standing over her. She just stared at me. She looked scared, but somehow also looked like she liked it. I didn't know, I couldn't understand.
"Gaa..." She gulped, "Gaara?" She asked me but I didn't say anything. I just kept on staring because that's what my heart asked me to do. She reached for the mark on my forehead.
I closed his eyes as she traced the outline of the mark.
"Love" she said softly as she looked at it closely. I felt her touch slowly on me skin. It was a warm touch. It scorched my skin, but I wanted more of it.
I opened my eyes, grabbed her wrist and we left off.
"Gaara, we have work to do?! Where are we going?!" But I didn't even look at her. I couldn't answer her questions. We arrived at my workshop and I took her to the balcony.
I stood there, in front of her. She looked me with a very confused and scared expression. I looked at her, dead in the eye and I asked, "Can we not work together, anymore?"
"What?! Why?! I'm sorry if I did something! I just don't understand?! Why so suddenly?!" She looked bewildered and sad. I didn't like that look. I turned away.
"Because I can't work when I'm around you. There's a fuzzy feeling around you, I constantly feel the need to have you near me. I really want you to hold on to me. Ever since I saw that smile of yours I thought you were like Naruto and I wanted to be friends. But the more I knew you, the more I wanted to know. I realized you were just Naruto, but more than him. Your smile, your illusions. I observe you through my eye. I didn't realize how bad I felt when you made the sad face when I broke my jutsu. I was so worried about you when you passed out, but I had to leave your side because of my duties. I haven't been able to think properly because suddenly you have become the centre of my attention all the time." I was gasping for breath at this point of time. I was in tears and I felt very guilty about doing this.
"Gaara," she looked at me warmly and pulled me into an embrace.
'What is this reaction? What do I make of this? I don't understand anything. Does she love me in that way or not? I haven't figured anything out yet.' I thought because of that complete surprise reaction. I expected her to be furious, to feel really sad and yell at me and the other things girls do when they are angry.
"I will wait for you Gaara." She said releasing me, "I will wait for you to cope with these feelings." She smiled at me with tears in her eyes. I couldn't bear to see tears in her eyes because of me.
"I don't know if I will come back to you." I was crying too.
"Gaara," she smiled wiping the tears off my cheeks, "I will wait for you. If you ever feel like coming back, I'm here for you. Also, I don't mind you not coming back either. It's your decision. You should think and take it yourself" she smiled again with tears incessantly flowing down her cheeks like a perennial river.
"Let's get back to work for now?" She said still smiling and still not being able to hold back her tears.
"You won't be able to work like this" I said coldly wiping off a tear off her cheek.
"Don't cry. It gives me a pain here." I said placing my hand on my heart.
She wiped her tears and shook her entire body.
"Oof. Okay" she breathed.
"Let's go! Yosh!"
We returned to the premises, but I couldn't make myself talk to her. I only talked about formal stuff and tried to restrict contact. I felt very sad and guilty that she had cried because of me. I went off in my office but sent an eye for her because I felt uneasy.
I suddenly noticed her screaming and worried, she summoned and sent guards everywhere. I had to get an idea of the situation.
She entered the room further and so did my eye, I looked around and noticed Temari's dress missing. I knew what had happened.
Suddenly, she started rushing off somewhere. I got up from my Kazekage chair and started following the eye.
The same nurse, who took care of her when she had fainted had the dress in her hand. She threatened to tear it off into pieces. They threw Kunais and each other and I knew this was a battle. Soon, she tore the dress into a lot of pieces in front of Designer girl's eyes. She dropped to her knees at the sight of torn dress which she had worked so hard for.
"Fuuton: Kamaitachi no Jutsu" she said as soon as I stepped on the roof.
I send my sand to protect Designer girl. I saw the nurse and she looked back at me.
"Kazekage-sama!" She gasped finding me over there. "Please, forgive me" she had the audacity to say.
"I can forgive what you did to the dress, but what you did to your friend cannot be forgiven" I said as I caught her in a Sand binding prison.
"Appropriate judgement will be passed upon trial." I told her and walked over to designer girl.
She sat there down, expressionless for the first time.
"We can start working again once you have had the leg checked." I said sternly.
"I won't be able to finish." She said still looking at me and barely being able to speak.
"You will be. I know. That's why we got you." I said formally.
"I won't." She looked down.
I looked back up to look at Gaara, but instead I felt intense pain in my heart. Her looking to her right and her hand on her left cheek.
"Gaara?" She looked at me kneeling in front of her.
"I apologize for slapping you. I know it hurt but you need to get this done. You don't have the time to wallow over a dress that can be made again. We have the plan ready. We'll make it in time." I explained as I stood up.
"Well, let's go now. Let's get that checked." I offered a hand.
She didn't say anything. She looked like she understood what I has said, even agreed with. She had put a lot of effort, her dreams and Temari's happiness in every stitch in that dress.
She finally took my hand and stood up.
"This blood won't be for naught." She said pulling out the Kunai from her thigh. "I will make Temari-san's dream wedding dress a reality for her." She said as she stood up and blood sprung from my thigh, an unfazed determined expression on her face.
"Let's go, Kazekage-sama. We have work to do." She looked at me. I smiled at her and we both got back to the workspace.
"So, you're magically okay, now?" I said pointing to her bleeding thigh.
I made a sand pedestal and made her sit on it. She levitated on it.
"I'm not a doctor but this will atleast stop you from bleeding too much and help clean it." I said as I took a cloth from her board and wrapped it around her wound.
She jumped off the pedestal, winced a little and started smiling again.
"I will make Temari-san's dress better than her dreams." She clutched her fist.
"Ready to do things the old fashioned way?" She said as she smirked at me, holding a pencil in her hand.
"Ofcourse" I smiled. I was glad she was back to the way she was.
She started drawing the outlines of the dress. She held them out in front of me and I cut them out.
Shikamaru had gotten us a sewing machine from Konoha. We hesitated a little in the beginning but I knocked, she quickly went and fetched the sewing machine for us.
We stitched the cloth.
"We need a mannequin" is what I could make our from what she was muttering to herself.
"If you want me to be model for those clothes, I absolutely refuse." I said and turned away as she looked at me.
"As much as I would love that," she said, "I want you to make a sand clone of Temari-san" she answered.
I instantly imagined what Temari looked like and we had ourselves a life sized Temari model.
"We'll call her 'Suna no Temari' instead of 'Sabaku no Temari'" she giggled at her own jokes.
"Now, Gaara, this major part of the sweetheart dress is done. Now we need to add the rest of the things to it. To make this normal white rag cloth dress-" she turned to the soft board, "-into this grand wedding dress. I glanced at the soft board once and then at her once. I nodded a bit and we got back to work.
She cut a long cloth and sew it at the waistline. I held up the laces for her with the help of my sand and we stitched them on the dress together. The layers were the same, first the plain satin cloth, then the laces, then the nets and then the roses.
We managed to hand stitch all the laces on the dress by 3 in the morning. She was very tired and was about to pass out when I suggested sleep.
I was tired too. I made a small sand bed for us. She instantly fell asleep with the needle in her hand and her head lay on my chest as I lay next to her.
'Why do you make me feel like this? Do you feel this way too when I am with you?' I looked at her and thought. I didn't realize when I drifted into deep sleep too.

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