Chapter 15: The Redemption of Darth Vader Part 1

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*Luke's saber ignites as he swings it at the Emperor.*

*Vader blocks his blow*

"You shall deal with him my young apprentice. Anakin is mine."

"I'm only staying because I don't want you to hurt Luke."

"Ah you do know the sith. Wise boy."

"What do you want from me?"

"It's about what you want."

"What are you talking about?"

"Saving your wife from death. I am the apprentice of Darth Plagueis the wise."

"Chancellor?" Anakin asks

"Yes Anakin. I know how to save her."

"Is it possible to learn this power." Says Anakin

No. what are you thinking.

"Not from a Jedi. The Dark side helps tame the amount of power involved."

"I don't know what to do."


"Father why are you allowing him to turn you. You already saw what happened. Stop it so you can live a happy life." Says Luke to Vader

"You are unwise to lower your defenses!"


"Anakin!" Yells Padme

"Padme! What are you doing here?!"

*She runs to him*

"I don't want to die alone without you."

"Padme. Coming here was a mistake."

"I've been here a while. Don't listen to his deceit. The Dark side could never possibly help you save anyone."

"But. The dreams."

"It doesn't matter. You know right from wrong. And this would be wrong."

"It doesn't matter as long as you're safe."

"Watch Luke destroy Vader."

Convince him. Hurt the one he loves most of all.

...yes master.

*Vader finds Padme and takes her.*

"Let her go!" Yells Anakin with Venom

"Anakin. Don't fall for it my love."


"You will make a fine victim."

Anakin loses it.

*He starts to force choke Darth Vader.*

"Good Anakin. Good."

Kill him. Kill him now!.

I shouldn't. It's not the Jedi way.

He's too dangerous to be kept alive.

Do it.

*Anakin cuts of Count Dooku's head*

Good Anakin. Good

*Anakin lets go of Vader.*

"Father don't let him tempt you. Or you will become him." Says Luke pointing at Vader

"I could never."

"That's where you're wrong. He is you. You never died. He is you. You killed Padme." Says the Emperor

"No!" Yells Anakin crushing ventilation.

"Search your feelings. You know it to be true."

*Anakin falls to his knees.*

"Don't give up father."

*Luke sends him a distant memory he doesn't remember. Yet has*

"We are losing her for reasons we can't explain."


"Obi Wan there's still good in him. I know there's still ho--" she says with her last words.

"I didn't kill Padme. You lied." Says Anakin mad

"You may have made future me a puppet. But you'll never turn Luke and I." Says Anakin running to Luke's side igniting his sky blue lightsaber blade.

"Let's take him together." Says Luke

"No. Use my training. You must do this on your own. I need to keep Padme safe." Anakin says rushing to her putting his saber back on his belt


"I will save him." Luke says looking at Anakin.

"I know you will." Anakin whispers back

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