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My heart hurts after the ending... Oh god.
Sorry, sorry, I'll get to a point very soon. Oh, by the way, SPOILER ALERT. If you are a fan of Voltron and haven't seen Season 8 yet, you DON'T want to read this.

Hey, you gone yet?

Come on, dude. This is for your heart.

Alright, I warned you. RIP your feels.

ALLURA DIES. That's right, people! Allura sacrificed herself for the universe! And It sucks SO BAD because all the Klance shippers (me included) didn't like her a whole lot after Lance and her got together, so when she DIED... Ooooh shit did we feel like pieces of garbage. I can guarantee that most people cried there. And when it showed Voltron growing up?? I WAS BALLING MY EYES OUT. I swear, it looked like I was on drugs from how much I'd cried!
Buuuuut I calmed down after a bit and went out to socialize, something I rarely do, and started to make fun of myself. Self deprivation? Yes.

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