Even MORE Embarrassing stories

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In 7th grade I had a history teacher named Mr. Mood?Judgmental He was a great teacher, but he was kind of judgy at times (hence the name). We had this project where we had to recreate something from the 20's. A fun project, just not so fun when you choose to work with your close friend at the time, Bambi. Literally all we did was slack off, but in a productive way, y'know? Like we still weren't doing anything, except we were listening to fabulous music from the fabulous 20's. So if he came over to us we could be like, "Mmmm, try again" (Spongebob references give me LIFE). We ended up choosing art as our topic, got no work done in class, and worked on it from home. Well, as it turns out, I couldn't go to her house because I was sick. But I still managed to get an art piece done. She did not (*Grumbles in pushover*). After that fearful stuff, Mr. Mood?Judgmental told us that we had to present it. And that was when the TRUE anxiety started happening. And Bambi wasn't making it any better because she was rubbing her anxiety off on me and I was like, "Okay, if you keep doing that, these breasts will become anxietiddies so you BETTER STAWWP!!" (Two references in one hehe). At our turn, we presented ours (MINE-) for genuinely 5 seconds. We walked off stage, trying to avoid any questions, when the other history teacher, Ms. BigFatMeanie said, "Thats it, you're not gonna tell us what it means?"
I was thinking so hard in that moment, scouring every inch of my brain to find a reply. When suddenly, I had the greatest small dick energy idea of them all. "Uh, I think Amber can answer that for you." The look of utter disbelief and BETRAYL written on her face-now that was a good revenge moment. I don't remember properly but she mumbled out some poor excuse for what it meant.

I was in Walmart with my Mom and sister, in line to return something, when I saw a cool looking toy. I picked it up and went over to my mom, without even sparing her a glance. I proceeded to show her what it did, when I looked up and noticed, that was most definitely not my mom. It was an older woman with gray, long hair smiling and looking away from me. My mom was right in front of her.

Here comes a th-THOT: So you know how you get dumber over the Summer without school? Well, now I've actually become dumb. Because with the normal Summer, you don't really get dumber, you just forget what school teaches you (which truly makes me question America's school system). But since we've been in quarantine and Summer, I think that I literally lost brain cells?? It's been sucky to say the least.

While playing badminton and talking about my closest friend in 6th grade, my sister genuinely asked me if I was gay for her. (I recently texted her and WHoA mAn)

My brother walked in on me watching some comedy bit where this woman was talking about how she gets... flustered when a boy says he can wait for her to do that.

My siblings think its okay to very obviously look at my Chromebook tabs (even though I've never ONCE done this to them). Sometimes the tabs consist of veeerrryy smutty Reddie fics too. (A Fangirl gotta do what a Fangirl gotta do)

One memory: *During Kiss, marry, kill* Me: Okay, how about Jungkook, Stathom, or....Anna Kendrick??
My sister: Uh well, marry Jungkook, kiss Stathom, and kill Anna Kendrick.
Me: You'd just kill her off??? Why????
My sister: Well since she's a girl I'd do it
My brain: but...but it's literally Anna Kendrick though

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