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^^^^A gift for you guys since we're on a shortage due to the CoronaVirus (IT's CorONa tiME)
My school board decided to extend our break from school to April 12th!!! More time to be lazy, watch TV, read fanfiction, and scour the Internet for pictures of my ships!!!! Oh and do homework, of course! Heh...forgot that one... Anyways! This means that I'll finally have time to update more of my fanfics! As you can see, I've already done so with my Dipford book! It's not a very good chapter though... I was writing it at night, so things are a bit wonky. For example, there are SO many Povs that switch. But I do think I did better with realistically writing! So that's definitely a positive part!
Well, that's pretty much all I had to say soooooo... See you guys next time!!!!!!!!

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