Part One

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It was cold. It was always cold. I had to get home. I was running in the cold and my scarf was flying in the wind. My hair was falling out of my hat, because it was too small. My pockets were torn and my gloves had no fingertips. My too big jacket was sliding off of my shoulders as I was running trying to get home.


It was such a lonely word. I don't have a home. Not anymore. Instead I have three children to look after. Kayne, Zara and Shelia. I'm the second oldest. Kayne is the oldest, only two years older, and Zara and Shelia are twins. Zara was born first. He has blond hair and great big brown eyes, while Shelia has purple hair and those same eyes. Kanye has red hair but his eyes are different. He has yellow eyes, but he lets his hair grow out so long, no one sees them.

We met through an orphanage that was abandoned many years ago. We met because our parents threw us out. We met because we were all the same, somehow.

By the time I get to our house, the sheet that is our door is pulled down. I knock three times on the wood beside it and walk in. " I'm back."

"Oh, Sister. Did you get it?" Shelia says urgently while coming into the drawing room.

They call me Sister because I don't remember my name. I don't remember anything since my parents left.

"Yeah. Here." I reach into my messenger bag (which I stole to get) and give her the medicine bottle. "Use it wisely. That's the last of our money."

"Yes sister." And she rushes into the other room.

"Kanye, you home late." I say without having to turn around.

"So?" he shrugs walking to face me.

"So! You know what happens to people like us if we're out after dark. They take us away from each other. I can't lose anybody else. Especially not you."

His usually sassy expression changes to a softer tone.

"What do you mean especially not me?"

I hesitate. "If I get caught, whose gonna look after the twins?"

"You know that's not gonna happen." He says quietly looking at the ground. Now it's my turn to be surprised. "I won't let it happen to you Pigtails."

Pigtails was his nickname for me. I acquired it the day we met because I was wearing my hair in pigtails. He doesn't look up but he does step forward. I feel his arms embrace me. I hug him back because he's the closest thing I have to actual family.

"Let's go help the twins." I say pulling away.

We walk into the bedroom, well it's not exactly a bedroom. More of just a room where we pulled things together to make a bed.

Zara is lying in the bed, a cloth over his forehead.

"How is he?" Kayne asks behind me.

"It's hard to tell. He's coughing a lot but he's not warm." Shelia replies, sitting next to her brother. "I gave him the medicine Sister brought home."

"Good." I say. "Now he needs time to sleep." I bend over to kiss him on the forehead, then I change his bandages. "Let's go." I strain picking up the 7 year old girl.

The three of us leave Zara to rest quietly. Kanye and I create a makeshift bed while Shelia finds something for us to cover up with.

By the time we're done, it's almost too dark to see. We pile on, one by one. First me, then Kayne next to me, and Shelia between us.

I stay awake for a while but fall asleep soon after I hear the exchange of "goodnights" around me.

So? What did you think? The picture is Sister the day she and Kayne met. That's how she got her nickname Pigtails! I just thought that'd be so cute!

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