Part Three and a Half

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I was dreaming, but I wasn't the only one there. It was bright and everything was golden. Sebastian and Ciel were there too. We were in a bright field full of flowers. I was running and Ciel was chasing after me, only we were different. We were younger. Only children.

Ciel had tagged me and it was my turn to go after him. I chased him into a forest and he had disappeared.

Then everything got dark. The forest was on fire and the field caught ablaze. I was coughing, screaming Ciel's name. There were black feathers, like a bird. The smoke and the feathers enveloped around me, suffocating me.

Then I heard a voice. "Child!" It screamed. "You are impure to play with mundanes. Humans are impure and their impurity has washed off on you. I can smell it on you. You REEK of the human scent! For this, you are punished. You shall live the life of a poor mundane child whom no significant one shall give notice to you. Only impure ones can see you. Ones who's heart are tainted with revenge or murder. Ones who are just as impure shall see you."

"Father, I don't understand."

"You won't understand."

"Sir," a young boy is talking. "Leave her alone. It's not her fault. She's only a child."

"Such as your self Kayne, I see you care deeply for your elders."

"I do."

"Then you shall join her in her punishment."

"But Sir!"

"None else is said Kayne. You shall join my daughter in her punishment. If you don't then who is to protect her from the human world?"

"Yes Sire, it will be done." I see Kayne get down on one knee and bow.

"It's nice to see that a young demon such as yourself is showing responsibility. You may rise."

"Kayne!" I am swept up by an invisible force and pulled upwards. "Kayne!"

"Dear daughter of mine, I wish you the best of luck in the mundane world. You will be shown human to every-person except those who know your true form. Kanye is the only. Keep yourself a secret from the rest of the world. In order for you to make the travel, you sadly must forget who you are. Every-person you've met will forget you. They will remember when you remember. Kayne is enchanted to remember but he cannot tell you. It is impossible for him. I have granted you another life my daughter. Use it well."

Then everything went black again, and I woke up in a rainy alleyway next to a red haired boy with yellow eyes.


Sooo, I figured I add the dream that Sister had during the night. I will not reveal her name until later. Sorry guys. Hope you'll still read. Also the more you vote, the faster I'll update. Thanks!!

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