Part Four

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(Okay this is the last time I'm gonna tell you when the POV changes. Your turn from now on)

I wake groaning. The bed beneath me is hard and the room smells of smoke.


"I am here my lord."

Oh, right. I'm in London. I slowly step out of bed and Sebastian moves to change me. I hold my hand up to stop him. "Wait." I turn to see the girl is no longer here. "Where is she."

"She insisted on getting a few things if she is to come with you."

"What could she possibly need that is so important?"


I am frantically looking for my messenger bag. It has the last few things that I hold dear inside of it. I pull all of the drawers out and move all of the clothes out of the way. Pushing through old things I've grown out of, I find it. I grab anything things else I need, making my way towards the exit.

I pass Kayne's things. I find a picture under his pillow. It's a picture of us when we first arrived here. Ernie was the one to feed us, after finding us in his dumpster by his shop, and he happened to snap a picture for being his most valued customers. Sadly Ernie died within a month. Like the dream said, only impure one's can see us. He died of old age, or so the newspaper said. We get alot of those, only about a week or two late.

I find Kayne's favorite bracelet. The one I made for him the day we found this house. Its made of different things I found. Beads, wooden bits, I could go on. He made me one too, only he was still working on it. He wanted it to be perfect for me. He had it with him at all times. Just like how I have his.

I realize this will be my last time here and I place my hand on the door-frame taking one last glace around the room that served as my shelter for the past seven years. Seven wonderful years.

I notice that it's getting late and I run back to the hotel. I get there just in time to see Ciel getting into the carriage.


"Where could she be Sebastian?"

"I don't know master. Please take your seat."

I grunt and sit down. I knew she didn't want to come with me.

"Master, is that her?"

"That's her."

"Great to see you again My Lady." Sebastian bows and helps her into the carriage.

"Sorry, I was late My Lord."

"Please, call me Ciel."

She just smiles at me. The smile seems somewhat familiar. Have I seen her befo-

My thought is interrupted by Sebastian being yelled at the hotel manager. The man is coming out with a broom. He has on an apron and there's a coffee stain on his green shirt, making the stain look even darker.

"Excuse me." I quietly say the the girl sitting across from me. I step onto the stairs of the carriage, one leg still inside, below where my hand is also gripping the door frame. "Sebastian!"

"Stay back My Lord."

"What's going on!" I demand.

"I'm not letting you take that poor child. I know what I did was wrong, but too many children have been taken from the streets. Not anymore."

"Tell me about the kidnappings." I request.

"Not until you give me the girl."

"I'm sorry but that cannot happen." Sebastian is standing in front of me, protecting me.

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