Part Five

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I slowly get undressed and climb into bed and about what Ciel said. Who was he talking about, and why did that name sound so familiar?

"Miss?" Mey-rin comes in with a platter of cookies and some milk. "Would you like some cookies?"

"Maybe later. I'm not in the mood."

"What wrong My Lady?"

"I guess I'm just tired. I miss my home, but I can't go back. If I do, they will take me."

"Who's gonna take you My Lady?"

"The people who take people like us. They are called The Gravedeath. It's an organization that takes children from their homes, but there's no pattern to the victims."

"Dontcha worry Miss. No one's gonna take you from 'ere house. No they won't. I promise."

"Thanks but I don't believe in promises anymore. They've been broken too often for me."

Mey-rin says nothing else. She moves to tuck me in but I stop her.

"I can do it. Why don't you get some sleep? You look tired."

"I'm just doing my job, Miss." I let her tuck me in but after she leaves I fold the covers down to my feet. My white nightgown is lined with lace and it tickles my feet when I get up and walk to the window.

The open the window and sit on the sill. It's a beautiful night and the moon is full. I try to find constellations, like Kayne taught me so I'd never be lost.

Oh Kayne, why did you have to get caught? I thought. I need you.

I lift my leg over the edge of the window sill, followed by my other so that both my feet are hanging from the window. I look down and brace myself. I'm on the second story so if I fall, I could hurt myself bad.

The door behind me opens and I hear a whooshing noise. Then I feel hands on my arms almost instantly. They pull me back and I hear Sebastian comment, "You really shouldn't try to escape Miss."

"I wasn't trying to leave." I look at him then back out the window. "I was watching the stars." He looks out the window too.

"Do you have anything that isn't a dress?" I ask. "This nightgown is very irritating."

"I suppose the Master wouldn't mind if it was just for the night." he smiles.

Sebastian comes back with something that has legs. I'm pleased and after he hands me the sleepwear, he leaves the room for me to get changed. I let him know when to come back in.

He walks in to find me on the ledge again.

"You must really love stargazing."

"Is that what's it's called?"

"I'm sure. It sounds to be so," he pauses " -Catherine."

I look straight at him. "Who is this Catherine everyone is talking about? And why does everyone think she's me?"

"Because you are Catherine."

"But I'm not!"

He leans down and whispers what I said on the carriage into my ear, and I gasp.


I wake to find Sebastian taking clothes from my cabinet. I get out of bed, forgetting my eye-patch and follow him slowly. He goes into the guest room. He comes out and I hide behind a bench. I see that he no longer has any clothes with him.

A voice calls something to him and he goes back inside. I move swiftly but silently to the door and try to listen in.

"But I'm not!" It sounds like Catherine. There is a pause

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