Part Three

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(Point of view changed again)

I needed a place to stay. I had no where to go. With the twins dead and Kayne stolen by the men who take people like us... I didn't know what to do.

I spent the past few nights begging and stealing so I could stay alive. I had finally earned enough money to buy a room for the night.

I enter the hotel on the corner of Saint and Garden. "One room for the night."

"Huh? Oh!" the man at the counter looks up from his newspaper and grunts.

"Come back later with yer parents." he says looking back at the paper.

"But I don't got any parents."

"Doesn't matter, you haven't got 'he money anyways."

"Will this do?" I place three coins on the counter.

The man looks up again and his eyes widen. "Where did ye' get those?"


"Hey wait, you're that scrawny kid who steals from everyone! Not from me! Get outta 'ere before I call 'he Children's Home!"

"But wait, I-"

"I said get outta here!" Next thing I knew, his hand was across my face. He back handed me.

I started to scream from the pain. Tears ran down my face uncontrollably. I ran holding my face with one hand. I used the other to open the door just as another person was coming in.

The man must have called the Children's Home because it sounded as if they were after me. I tripped and fell in a muddy puddle but I kept running. I turned comers of the streets I knew so well. I hid behind a dumpster at Bernie's Food and Stuff.

By the time I curled up into a ball behind the dumpster, I was breathing so hard anyone on the block probably could have heard me.

It was to no surprise that the tall man dressed in black found me.

"Master. I found him."

Of course they thought I was a guy. The baggy clothes hid my female curves and my hair was pulled back and so ratty that it looked like a guy's hairdo.

"Good, bring him to me."



I kick and scream at the man who is holding me. "Let. Me. Go! Ugghhhh!" I bite the man's right hand and he yells.

"Ouch! You little...."

"I'm not going back! I cannot go back! Not again! I'm not going back to that hellhole!"

"Hold on." the tall man is strong. I can't lose his grip again. "I'm not going to hurt you. I'm not taking you anywhere."

I stop kicking. "Wait. You're not taking me to the Children's Home?"

"No, now I'd like it if you'd stop hurting my butler." I saw a young boy, dressed better than anyone I've ever seen.

"Y-Your butler?" I turn to see the tall man smiling.

"Yes, very so. Now I'd appreciate it if you would stop digging your finger nails into my wrists."

"We just want to question you about a few things." said the boy who was no older than me.

We walk back into the hotel where the man is reading his newspaper again.

Must be an interesting story, I thought.

He looked up just in time to see me stick out my tongue at him. A bit childish for my age but still. They led me upstairs to a fine room. There were curtains, chairs. A fire place. Even a bathroom! There was one bed, which I thought was rather odd.

"Sit here." The tall man smiled kindly at me. He took my jacket and went into the other room and grabbed a towel.

I sat down and he wrapped it around my shoulders. The other male sat down across from me.

"Who are you people?"

"I am Ciel Phantomhive, the head of the Phantomhive household and this is Sebastian. My butler. We were wondering if you could help us."

"With what?" My voice cracked on the words.

The butler, Sebastian, handed me a glass of water. I swallowed it eagerly. It felt so good. It was cold, but not too cold.

"We have been questioning local children about the disappearances of other children in this area. Unfortunately, no adults know much about this, and all other children are gone. Have you heard anything about this?"



"My friend. He was like my brother. We took care of each other. And the twins too." I started crying. These were people I cared about and they were gone. I stood up and walked over to the window. I looked out the window, trying to hold back tears in my eyes.

"Sir, I think-" I felt the tall man's hand on my shoulder.

"I'm not a guy." I said quietly.


"I said, I'm not a guy!" I scream ripping the towel off of me. "I'm tired of being treated like someone I'm not. J-just.... Leave me alone..." I grow quieter with each word.

"Ma'am. I had no idea." Sebastian looks apologetic.

"Of course you didn't. " I turn away from him towards the wall. "No one ever does. It's because they never notice me. I'm just the kid who's messed up. No parents, no family. I have no one to go to anymore."

The boy, Ciel, walks up behind me. He places his hand on my shoulder and whispers in my ear, "Me too." I can feel him smiling.


"My parents are dead. All of my family is dead. I have no one, too."

"That's not true. You have money and that butler of yours. I had people too, but they died. They were so young too. It's terrible to watch six year olds die, knowing there is nothing you can do. Then to have your best friend taken away by the people who take people like us. I have no reason to live."

"Sure you don't. But that doesn't mean you have to live not doing anything about it. Make yourself worth something."

"I am. It's 200 quid for my head."

"What? 200? I'm not even worth that much." His hand leaves my shoulder, probably in surprise.

"That's because it's probably equal to how much I've stolen in my years."

"Well, you don't have to steal anymore."

"What do you mean?"

"Sebastian, prepare to return home tomorrow. Tell the servants that we have a guest."

"I wouldn't do that if I were you."

"And why not?"

"Who says that I'm not going to steal from you too?"

"Because, if you do, I'll come after you." He has a devilish grin.

I smile back too, matching his sincerity.

I get to sleep on the floor next to the fireplace that Sebastian lit for me. I've never known warmth like this. It must be nice to be rich and to have people working for you. I thought. Maybe one day I'll have people work for me too.

I fell asleep soon after that, dreaming about how my life would be if I was rich.

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