Part Six

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I can't stop thinking about her. I promised to keep her safe. What if she's sick? Or maybe she was taken too. Is it possible that she is dead? I vowed to protect her, and I've failed. I should be burning in Hell.

I hear the screams of other children being brought into the cage room. The Inspector comes by looking at the new children. Every day, new children are taken, brought here to be examined. If they are not capable of the Test, then they are killed.

I was capable, but that's because I'm a demon. I have supernatural abilities. I can hear high frequencies and I have more force than any human here. Every one and a while, they make us fight. It's always a fight to the death, or until someone is to the point where they can't fight anymore, which is usually always death. The champion lives and the loser dies.

I keep fighting for Her. I have to. I can't live without her. They starve us before each fight, so the winner gets food to last a few days if used scarcely. But demons don't need to eat regularly so I give some of my food to the really starving kids.

I tell all the new recruits to be strong and pass the Test. Even though the only way out is to die. There is no way to leave and survive.

I get my own cage because I am the undefeated champion. They even have a name for me. Crusher. It's because I have superhuman strength and I'm super fast. It always gives the Inspector a thrill to watch me fight. None of the other kids have a chance. Although it hurts to kill each child and not be able to devour their souls, I have to stay strong.

I wonder if I'll ever be defeated. I think that a lot. We have too much time to think, but I spend most of it trying to plan a way out. So I can get back to Her.

"Hey! Kid!" A man throws water at me.

"What do you want!" I growl at him.

"Time to fight."

I hesitate. I wasn't scheduled to fight for another four days. But I get up anyways. I make my way to the cage and see my opponent. He is a small boy, half my size and I'm not even that big. He has twigs for legs and his hair is cut short. He's probably eleven, which is contrast to my seventeen.

"Ughh." I grunt. "Give me a real challenge!" I yell out.

"Hey! I'm tougher than I look okay?" It's hard to believe him when he is trying to stay as far away he can get from me.

"Okay then, hit me. Free shot." I say to him. I figured I'd try to help this guy out because he's so small. Usually the kids never get close to me but this kid isn't scared like the others. He punches me square in the jaw. He' s got an arm, I gotta say.

"Nice, now do it again." He punches me again. "More! Come on!" I scream at him urging him to start a riot with the others.

"More, more, more!" What he doesn't know is that he can't hurt me. I won't bruise but I can bleed.

He punches me from the right, slinging blood to my left from my lip. I bring my hand up to my mouth and look at the blood on my fingers. I lick my lips to stop the bleeding and move quickly around him.

I tap the kid on his shoulder. He turns around suddenly, tripping on his own feet and falling. I tower above him and he crawls to the edge of the cage. I look into his brown eyes and I realize that I don't want to kill this kid. They remind me of Her.

I step back and every one starts booing. The other kids and teens start booing and spitting at the ground near my feet. I look at the Inspector and he frowns nodding his head in shame.

The other sweating guys in the area above the arena are yelling at me to finish him. I didn't know what to do. I can't kill anyone anymore, Demon or not. I know it's what she would want me to do. Show them mercy. To stop killing. I panic, not knowing what to do.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2015 ⏰

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