Chapter Eight

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Elena sat down on her bed. She didn't need this stress right now. But she didn't want to let go of Elijah either. But what can she do at this moment? She is pregnant. She is heavily pregnant. She can't fly.

Elijah was still sitting down. Fearing he has now lost the love of his life. Over a stupid stupid mistake. If only Camille wasn't being so difficult about getting this marriage annulled everything would be okay. What was he going to do? He had to think of a way to get out of this marriage.

Elena came out of the room. She sat down beside Elijah. "I don't want to give up on you. - and I don't want to give up on us. - but I'm pregnant. - and I don't need the stress of this. - I don't know. - what to do for the best Elijah." Elena spoke. In truth she couldn't see her future without Elijah in it. But if he can't get out of this marriage. Then what other choice does she have. But to let him go.
"I'll get out of this marriage. - it's you and only you. - that I want. - I'll do anything. - pay her if I have to. - please don't give up on us." Elijah said. "I really don't want to. - but as of right now. - I have to let you go. - I'm sorry Elijah." Elena now have Elijah back the ring. "It's only temporary. - I'll be back. - as soon as I get out of this." Elijah now neared Elena. And kissed her. With tears running down her checks Elena kissed Elijah. "I'll be back. - I promise." Elijah spoke as he got his stuff and left. Elena cried herself to sleep.

When Elena woke up she told Jeremy and Jules. They were both sad for her. "Hey. - he said he come back for you. - it's not the end." Jules now moved closer to Elena and pulled her in a for a hug. "I know. - but what if he falls for her? - did I just make a big mistake?" Elena now cried harder. "No. - you didn't. - he will come back for you. - and you two will get married. - okay. - that guy loves you. - I can feel it." Jules said again. Jules shooed away Jeremy. And he left and went to Matt's. And told him.

The next day. Elijah walked in home. And told his siblings. This made Kol feel even more guilty. "Hey. - I'll get this marriage annulled and I'll go back to New York. - and we will get married. - all I need is a little help. - please." Elijah now spoke. "Just say the word and I'll do it." Kol now smiled at his older brother. Klaus Finn and Rebekah said the same.

Camille on the other hand. Had a trick that will make Elijah stay with her for good. She had slept with Thierry and she got pregnant from it. And she's going to lie and say it's Elijah's.

A/N: This is the end of this book.
There will be a third installment of this series and it will be the last of the series.
There will be Hea. For awhile. Just not in this book.

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