Arc I (1) - 550 AD

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Jehanne lets her expensive footwear tap quickly against the muddy grass. It's grown, and it tickles almost uncomfortably against her immaculate ankles, but she's too absorbed in the feeling of the wind running through her hair to care.

She feels happy, an emotion that she knows -she's always known- is interlaced with fear.

Jehanne flashes left and right with her head low. Her heart palpitates against her chest with a feeling of invincibility, all eyes around her somewhere else, apparently unsuspecting.

What she doesn't know is that peasants have more urgent things to worry about than the young lady running away from her castle once again. She will be found, anyways. The walls around the kingdom extend almost endlessly, strong, as impenetrable as the eyes of the thousands of soldiers that remain stoic in front of them.

She will be found, eventually, and be scolded, or even, if the queen requires it, hit with a paddle and left without dinner. But nothing terrible will happen to the young lady. She's meant to grow side by side with her brother. She's meant to be a proud loyal. She's meant to marry a powerful lord; a king, even.

But Jehanne can't think about that currently, because she's only nine years old, and because her short legs are starting to feel weaker now, as she reaches the outlines of the kingdom.

She widens her unexperienced eyes, loads and loads of greens and yellows and oranges reaching further than she's ever imagined.

Outside the city, her homeland is populated almost only by grain and animals, only a few people, far beyond, drawing figures as they work mutely. Milking, and reaping, and shearing, and Jehanne has to close her eyes because the ache in her stomach is only increasing, and she refuses to ever stop.

She only thinks about walls and freedom, so her mind can't catch on with the body in front of her until her own petite figure collapses against it.

She falls on the grass, ending up in a sitting position, and a feeling of mild pain makes her furrow her brows before even opening her eyes.

"Oh, I'm so sorry", a high-pitched voice exclaims, and Jehanne finally takes in her human obstacle.

A long-haired brunette girl -probably around her age- is looking at her behind long eyelashes, wide, doll-like eyes dripping a concern that it's almost unrecognizable for the young lady.

She stands up immediately, faintly remembering her position - you are a lady, Jehanne, act like one, and crosses her arms against her chest, puffing it a little.

"Watch where you are going!"

"I'm so sorry", the girl repeats, an Jehanne is surprised to find it difficult to stay mad, "you appeared out of nowhere".

"I think anyone would have realized I was coming", the shortest brunette argues, her pride somehow strained.

"Sorry", the long-haired girl states for the third time, and Jehanne realizes she doesn't want to hear that word coming out of her puffy lips again, "you were running very fast!".

The lady's mouth twitches a little, and her eyes grow less obscure.

"Are you saying the truth?"

"Yes! Really fast. Like a lightning".

Jehanne can't really suppress the smile that tugs at her lips.

"It's because I was running away".


The lady thinks for a moment.

"I don't know".

The tallest girl hums in agreement, and Jehanne thinks they've acquired some kind of a connection.

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