Arc IV (1) - 1850

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Ellise wakes up when the sun is already extending light in all its glory. She rolls around once, twice, and hugs one of her fluffy cushions against her chest. Her eyelids flutter up and down tiredly, and she runs her fingers through her walnut locks, considering the idea of falling asleep again. She's actually about to push one of her heavy blankets off of the bed to be more comfortable, when an agile creature jumps on top of her chest.

Ellise looks at her cat with a pout, but smiles lazily immediately after.

"Hello, Louis", she hums, and the feline licks his pawn and proceeds to meow once.

The brunette takes it as a greeting. She pets her cat for a moment and then puts him on top of her bed.

She stands up, feeling already energized by the way in which sunshine entering through the window heats up her skin. She is reminded once again why she adores summertime.

Ellise gets out of her bedroom, moves through the neat large hall connecting the rooms of her house, and opens a few doors to get to the dining room. The smell of just-made food hits her nose immediately and her smile widens. On her way to the table, she sees her family's maid.

"Hello, Micha", she greets, and bows slightly.

The maid looks at her fondly as she greets her back.

Reaching the table, where a few plates full of warm food are waiting for her, she spots her mother knitting with a slight frown.

"Hello, mum", she says, and the older woman rises her head to look at her daughter.

"Hello, darling. How did you sleep?"

Ellise is already munching a piece of toast, her eyes shining at the delicious taste.

"Good!", she swallows, "I dreamt about a wonderful castle. I lived there".

Her mother looks at her with soft eyes, putting her work aside to listen to her better.

"Were you the Queen?"

Ellise thinks for a moment, and then denies vehemently.

"No. I don't think so. But I was happy".

"That's all that matters", Ellise's mom states, and then goes back to her knitting.

"Dad has already left for work?

The girl smiles at her maid bringing her a cup of hot milk. She thanks her cheerfully.

"Yes. He's coming back in the afternoon".

"Good! I hope he's in the mood for helping me with my piano lessons".

Ellise's mother chuckles.

"As if he could ever say no to you".

The girl smiles proudly. Then, she proceeds to devour the rest of her breakfast.

Her day goes on exactly as most of her days do. She plays with her cat, talks to her mom, takes some pictures with the newest camera available in the market, practices playing the piano, and then has a warm bath before going to sleep.

Once in bed again, she is still smiling from ear to ear. There are dull days, but they are very rare.


Jenilyn wakes up with her aching back resting on the blankets on the floor. She rubs her knuckles against her eyelids, trying to adapt her eyes to the lack of light. There is no hint of the sun going up yet, but the girl knows that her day has started, and she has no time to lose.

She stands up slowly, trying not to wake up her parents just a few meters away. She moves through the room with the same care, her feet warm against the cold floor. Once she reaches the kitchen, she ties up her hair and fills a bucket with water. She starts to clean.

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