Arc IV (2) - 1850

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Jenilyn bows low to the owner of the mansion and rushes to gather her stuff and come back home. It is a busy day, even busier than usual, and the humidity in the air is not letting the shoe adhesives dry quickly enough, which means extra stressed parents. She keeps running fast, thinking about piles and piles of work, and the fact that she still has to clean the shared bedroom, and cook an acceptable dinner with the two ingredients that are left in the kitchen's cupboard, and then go to sleep a few hours to wake up before the sun raises. She's running so fast that she doesn't notice the change in the level of the pavement. Her feet miss a beat, and before she knows it, she falls hard on her knees.

She whimpers, feeling herself surprisingly at the brink of tears, but tries to compose herself by breathing deeply.

She can do it. She can be strong. She just needs to think about her tasks, and that's it.

She's about to resume her running when a broken cry reaches her ears.

Jenilyn looks around, curious. When she's met with silence, she collects her things scattered on the floor, trying to ignore the pang on her knees.

However, another cry, this time weaker, makes her stop in her tracks. She looks at the trashcan just a meter ahead and moves closer, opening it with an analyzing expression. A soft, hopeless whimper confirms her suspicions. Jenilyn holds her breath as she tries to look for the source of the cries. When she touches a disgustingly wet trash bag, she feels slight movement beneath her fingers. The brunette scrunches her nose then, and takes it out.

Her expression transfixes from disgusted to sad. Inside the trash bag, there is a puppy no older than two months. He's shaking in fear, and its mahogany fur is all dirty and tangled. Jenilyn does not need to inspect him further to realize that he's severely underweight, and she suspects that under the copious amount of brown there are bruises that need to be taken care of.

The brunette stares at the dog with a concerned expression.

She cannot take him home. She cannot give him the life he deserves.

She puts the puppy on the floor, and the canine pushes his body against her feet, still trembling.

Jenilyn feels her heart breaking. The dog stares up at her, expectantly.

"I cannot take care of you".

The puppy tilts his head to the side. Big, dark eyes keep looking at her.

"I really shouldn't take you home. My parents are going to kill me".

She takes the dog between her hands once again. She thinks for a moment.

"Promise me you will be a good boy".

The canine sticks his tongue out, suddenly exited.

Jenilyn smiles.


She reaches home way later than expected. She knows that she will be scolded, but she guesses that sometimes it's just worth it.

The brunette enters the house through the open garden as sneakily as she can. She stares at the puppy she rescued with the sternest expression that she can muster, and puts him behind a set of brushes.

"You will stay here until they are all asleep. Then, I will give you food and something to sleep on. And probably a shower. Behave, alright?"

The dog attempts to bark, but he's too weak to do so. Jenilyn's heart clenches again.

She moves outside again to open the front door. Reaching the doorknob, something unusual catches her eyes.

A pink, visibly expensive envelope is lying on the doormat, clearly contrasting with the grey tones that surround it.

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