Arc III (3) - 1720

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Chinhwa sits in the bar stool with a big smile plastered in his face. He finishes his glass of soju in two big gulps and asks for another one.

"I sold everything. I'm telling you, I'm a genius".

His friend laughs loudly just beside his hear before slamming the palms of his hairy hands on the table.

"I can't believe you make people think that your stuff is good. Imagine!"

He laughs again, and Chinhwa follows.

"What now, selling master? You stay to enjoy the spectacle?" he wiggles his eyebrows and motions behind them, where a group of women on revealing dresses are staring at them pointedly.

"Maybe tonight, but then I'm going back home".

He smiles at the sight of his refilled glass.

"Oh, to the wife".

Chinhwa shrugs in disinterest.

"Yeah, I suppose".

His friend looks at him with glassy eyes.

"Not happy with what you've got?"

Chinhwa hugs his bag of money closer to his chest and smiles.

"Romance is business. My wife stays away when I need her to stay away. That's what I get out of that".

Chinhwa's friend laughs once again without knowing exactly why.


Jisoo observes everything from the darkest corner of the bar.

"Fucking idiot", she murmurs, and she starts to scheme.

She needs to stop Jennifer's husband from going back home, at least until the girls there decide to put two and two together and run away as quickly as they can. But they are humans, hence, they are slow, so Jisoo needs to win time.

She could simply scare him off, tell him there is some sort of curse waiting for him at his house, but it would imply getting involved in the situation directly.

Besides, with his temper, he could merely curse her and ride back home only to find his wife and the painter he's paying to getting to know each other way better in his bed.

And she can't kill him. Those are the rules. No extreme changes, no involving others, definitely not killing anybody.

Jisoo stares throughout the window. The cheap bar is placed on the second floor of an unstable building. She looks at Chinhwa standing up, slightly unbalanced due to the excess of alcohol, and as he reaches the door with a lost stare, Jisoo's face is illuminated by an idea.

They said no killing, but they never said no making a step of a stair slightly weaker so somebody trips and falls from a second floor distance.

Jisoo smiles. That would mean no death, no serious risks, just something minor, like a broken leg. A small setback in the husband's return so the lovers kilometers away can work things out.

So that's exactly what she does. As Chinhwa is going down the stairs, a step suddenly breaks under his feet and he falls directly to the floor.


What Jisoo didn't expect however, was the piece of wood falling along with him, hitting the floor moments before his body and then being crushed against the weight of the man's temple.

The angel stares in disbelief at the man passed away some meters below her, the people around running towards him with a worried expression. As one civilian shouts that she needs more pieces of cloth to stop the bleeding, Jisoo tilts her head upwards and curses loudly.

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