Arc V (3) - 1909

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"Jisoo we have to do something. We have to do something now".

Chaeyoung is standing outside Jenine's house, her eyes wide as she watches the two humans cuddling in their sleep.

Her fellow angel waits patiently.

"Lily is literally about to leave for... I don't know... years, and who knows that will happen until she comes back".

Jisoo sighs.

"I don't think she'll be able to come back", she says.

Chaeyoung turns around to stare at her, eyes somehow desperate.

"What? Why?"

The shortest angel takes a glance at the people walking home, unaware of their ethereal presence. Their steps are quick. Some are looking ahead, mutely, and some are looking down, eyebrows furrowed.

There is something in the air, something in the curve of their backs, in the bitterness of their lower lips.

Something that Jisoo has become acquainted with since the first time she arrived to Earth.

The feeling of an imminent war.

"The conflict", is all she says.

Chaeyoung keeps staring at her.

"There is a chance that the humans realize... I mean, there's still..."

Jisoo looks back in pain.

"I'm sorry, Chae", she mutters.

The brunette swallows.

"We have to give them a chance, Soo. We need to".

Jisoo bites the inside of her cheek.

"But wouldn't it be more painful if they are forced to love without restrictions and never get lo have each other again? Wouldn't it be better if they stayed as they are?"

Chaeyoung kneels besides her fellow angel. Her eyes burn in Jisoo's defeated stare.

"No", she says simply.

The brunette blinks.

"Why?" she asks, all sincerity.

"Because of love, Jisoo", the angel answers.

The brunette stares silent, her lips parted.

Because of love.


"What are you going to do, then?"

Chaeyoung stares at the room again. She sees Jenine's and Lily's stuff scattered in a wooden desk. Then, her gaze fixes on the shortest girl's black notebook, half-hidden in a set of full shelves.

"Something stupid", she mumbles.

She is surprised to feel Jisoo grasping her hand.

"Chae, be careful, please".

The blonde feels moved like never before.

"I'll take care of them".

"I know you will. I want to take care of you as well".

The angel lets a bittersweet feeling fill her chest completely. Then, she focuses back in the room.

When she finishes, she sits down besides Jisoo to pull her close.


Three days before leaving to France, Lily is lying on her own bed, her eyes closed.

Her mind twirls around her dream, around her ready suitcase, around the voyage.

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