Arc VI (1) - Present Time

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Nemamiah wakes up from an empty dream slowly. Her head feels heavy, and the remote thought that she has never slept before crosses her mind lethargically.

She takes a few more deep breaths. As her body becomes less dizzy, she comes to the realization that, for the first time in a long, painful eternity, her body doesn't hurt.

She is awoken by the thought, and she sits up in the well-known cold surface in a bit of a haste. The pad of her fingers immediately search for her back, and she opens her mouth when she is not meet with the sting of a bleeding wound but with the roughness of a scar.

Nemamiah's eyes fill with tears of relief. She fears, still. She's terrified by the next step of her punishment, but the lack of pain makes her feel somehow renewed, with a small light of hope tingling in the middle of her chest once again.

This time, however, it's different.

Las time, the glimmer of hope was fueled by the weight of her ego, of a false sense of superiority that poisoned her soul from the very core.

Now, all that lightens her heart is humility, forgiveness, acceptation.

Nemamiah puts her hand against her the steady beat on her chest.

Her mind drifts immediately to a soft smile, to dreamy eyes, to a tenderness that she has never encountered before.

Love, Nemamiah thinks.

Her heart swirls, content.

It's full of love.

Nemamiah closes her eyes, breathing deeply still, despite the void, despite the punishment, despite the maddening silence.

She smiles.

Suddenly, something changes.

The ground shakes, and the atmosphere gets heavier. Nemamiah opens her eyes, honestly surprised. She feels fear shaking her body, but she waits.

A blinding light illuminates everything in a matter of seconds.

Nemamiah blinks, trying to understand.


Then, she finds herself floating softly, her body transcending the layers of existence not with resent, but with ease.

She sees the colors, the shapes, the mysteries.

She parts her lips as her eyes tear up endlessly.

It's beautiful.


Jisoo lands on Earth with both feet steady on the ground.

She tries to take in her surroundings, her body still shaking with the shock of her beautiful trip.

Once her eyes focus better, she looks at the trees, at the houses, at the people chatting around loudly, their clothing different, their hair different, the gadgets shining their hands different.

Jisoo feels different, too. She appreciates the sunshine caressing her skin as she never did before.

Then, she hears a voice.

She hears a lot of voices, actually, but this one is special. This one makes her heart jump against her chest in sheer excitement.


The brunette turns around to see the Guardian that makes her soul sing running towards her with teary eyes.

Jisoo begins to cry as well, overwhelmed by an embracing feeling of happiness.

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