Chapter 2

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Emily's P.O.V. ~

I sit down in Tracy's mom's office after getting fitted. I watch her Maid of Honor get fitted.

"Em, how did you get the weekend off?" Christina, the Maid of Honor, asks, glancing at me.

"I just didn't schedule any doctor's appointments or surgeries this weekend." I smirk slightly.

I have my own practice down the street from the Elementary School. I run a small, but still popular by the local population, clinic. My patients go from the age of 3 months to 97. I had a regular patient who would come by, and she was 103, but she passed away a few months ago. Since I take care of patients of all ages, I do all sorts of things in my clinic.

From covering little boo-boos with cartoon band aids, giving prescriptions for colds and other injuries, and everything else a doctor does. This is what I do Sunday through Thursday. Friday's are the days that I do my surgeries. Yea, I'm also a surgeon. Saturdays are a mix up between surgical and non-surgical.

I'll do what needs to be done on Saturdays. They're my "Emergency Days''. So, if a patient has a high fever at 2:00 am Saturday morning, they don't have to wait till either Monday or go to the ER. They can just come to me on Saturday, and they know I'll take them in. This weekend, though, I made sure to not schedule anything.

Since I'm close with my patients, they all insisted that I take the weekend off. It's not every day that your twin brother gets married. Or at least, that's the logic they used when they insisted. I finally agreed, and closed the practice for the weekend so I could attend my brother's bachelor party and the wedding.

"And why are you going to the bachelor party? That's for the guys. Why not come to the bachelorette party?" She asks, finally slipping off the gown.

"My brother and I are super close and he wants me there at his party. He-" I start.

"He always says she's one of the guys so I told him it was perfectly fine that she go to his party and not mine

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"He always says she's one of the guys so I told him it was perfectly fine that she go to his party and not mine." Tracy says, walking over with a glass of champagne.

"I just grew up with them guys. They're my best friends." I giggle slightly.

"What's up with you and Phil?" Tracy wiggles her eyebrows.

"He's just my best friend." I blush slightly.

"He has the biggest crush on you, Emily!" Christina says, giggling.

"No, he doesn't!" I giggle.

"For Valentine's Day, he showed up to your Clinic with Eli and flowers!" Tracy giggles, sitting down.

"Only because I was working." I look away, blushing.

"He took you to dinner!" She laughs.

"That's it. I'm going to find Doug." I stand up, giggling.

Doctors Orders for a Hangover - Phil WenneckWhere stories live. Discover now