Chapter 11

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Emily's P.O.V. ~

Tyler starts to cry and one of the officers gets angry.

"Shut that baby up!" He yells. "Shut the baby up!"

Phil, Alan, Stu and I are all handcuffed and taken to their station. They put us on a bench. Phil is handcuffed to me. Alan's left hand is handcuffed to my left one, while his right one is handcuffed to Stu. I sigh from the bench and I look as Phil stands up.

"What are you doing?" I ask, moving my arm up so he can stand.

"Someone needs to call Tracy." He pulls a couple quarters out. "We need to buy some time."

"Should you be the one to do it?" I ask, softly.

"Don't worry, babe. I got this."

He walks to the phone and puts in the quarters and dials Tracy's number.

He walks to the phone and puts in the quarters and dials Tracy's number

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I look up when I hear a police officer. He's talking to a group of middle school age children, who must be here on a field trip.

"After we take the mug shots, we bring them down here where they wait to be interviewed by the arresting officers." He turns to us. "Trust me, kids, you do not wanna be sitting on these benches. We call this place Loserville."

All the kids start laughing at us. The police officer ushers them away but a bigger kid brings up his cellphone. I lean out of the way and he takes a picture of Alan. Alan kicks his leg up and kicks the phone out of the kid's hand.

"Alan!" I snap at him. "I'm sorry for him. He's a little..."

"It's okay, ma'am." The kid smiles at me before glaring at Alan.

Alan goes to kick him again but I use my leg to stop him. The kid walks away, going with his group.

"Alan, you can't kick kids." I glare at him.

"He was taking a photo of me, Em!" He whines.

"I don't care! You can get more charges on your record." I sigh.

"But, Em-"

"No buts...You will-"

I'm cut off by a police officer calling our names.

"Wenneck, Billings, Price, Garner. Room Three!"

Phil hangs up the phone and we all stand up. We try to detangle ourselves and walk to him. He uncuffs us so we sit down. Alan sits by the wall, then me, Phil and Stu. A few seconds later, a cop walks in.

"Gentlemen, Lady." He looks through the file. "We've got some good news, and we've got some bad news. The good news is we found your Mercedes."

"Oh thank God." I put my head down on the table.

"That's great news!" Phil says, rubbing my back, excitedly.

"Yeah, it's over at impound right now. We picked it up at 5 A.M. this morning...parked in the middle of Las Vegas Boulevard." He says.

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