Chapter 14

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Emily's POV

I walk out of the living area that Mike and I were sitting in to see the guys walking through the door. I quickly run toward Phil. He looks up and I jump into his arms. I wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. He wraps his arms around me and holds me close.

"I was worried about you." He whispers.

"I'm fine. I promise. They gave me some supplies to clean my face up." I whisper.

I pull away to look at him and my eyes widen.

"What the fuck happened to your neck?" I ask.

"The tiger woke up in the car." He sighs.

I put my feet down and grab his hand. I pull him to the room where Mike is. I sit down next to Mike and pull out the first aid I used. I start working on Phil's neck when the other boys sit down.

"When we got back, we took a look at the security cameras." Mike says.

The man pushes the button on the remote. The video starts to play and we're walking in Mike's front yard. I've already seen it so I pay attention to Phil's neck.

"Oh! It's Doug!" Stu says. "Thank God he's alive.

"That's our buddy! That's who we've been missing." Phil informs him.

"We're all best friends." Alan chimes in.

"I know. Emily told me. Why don't you just pay attention. I don't have all night." Mike says.

"Yeah, of course." Phil says.

Next what happens on the video is Alan walking over to the pool.

"Hey! That's me! I'm on TV." Alan smiles. "I've never been on TV before."

"Watch this." I whisper to Phil.

I can tell he's paying attention because he smirks slightly. Alan starts peeing in the pool. The guys in the video start saying he's going to overflow the pool.

"Maybe...Maybe I should wait outside?" Alan asks, softly.

"I think that's a good idea, Alan." Mike says.

Alan gets up and walks past us, out of the room.

"Don't touch anything out there, either." Andy, the bodyguard says.

I finish up with Phil's neck and put everything away before leaning back. Phil wraps an arm around me.

"You know what? He's not our good friend. We don't know him that well." Stu says.

"Emily said he's Doug's brother in law?" Mike asks slightly.

They both nod. We go back to watching the TV to see us walking the tiger out of the building.

"By the way, where you get that cop car from?" Mike looks at us.

"We, uh, stole it from these dumb-ass cops." Stu smirks, chuckling slightly.

"Nice!" Mike says, high fiving the guys.

I giggle and shake my head. In the video, we put the tiger in the back of the cop car.

"You know, I just have to say...I have never seen a more beautiful elegant creature. I-"

I cover up Phil's mouth. I don't want him to say anything when I know what happens.

"Check it out, Stu. Stu." Video Phil says. "Fuck this tiger."

He starts to hump the tiger in the video. I shake my head and Stu starts saying how awful that is. In the video, I move Phil from the tiger.

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