Chapter 7

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Emily's P.O.V. ~

"Ben." Phil says, smiling slightly, pulling me closer.

"Carlos." Alan says.

The lady looks at me. Great, I'm playing mother.

"His real name is Ben, but my brother here thinks he looks like a baby off TV." I explain.

She nods, buying the explanation. I sigh slightly. We get off the elevator and walk straight to the pool. Stu breaks off to find Doug while Phil, Alan and I go sit down with breakfast. We put Carlos in a high chair and I sip on some coffee. What the fuck happened last night?

"Hey, Phil. Em. Look."

We both look up to see Alan moving the baby's hand as if he was jerking off. I giggle to myself as Phil chuckles.

"He's jacking his little wenis." Alan laughs.

"Pull yourself together, man." Phil says, shaking his head, still chuckling.

"Not at the table, Carlos."

Stu walks over and sighs, sitting down. "I looked everywhere. Gym, casino, front desk. Nobody's seen Doug. He's not here."

"He's fine. He's a grown man." I say, sipping my coffee.

"Seriously, Stu, you gotta calm down. Here, have some juice." Phil says, passing him his juice.

Stu starts gagging before throwing up slightly over the arm of his chair. I move toward Phil. I may be on the other side but I don't want to be around him, while he's throwing up.

"I can't have juice right now." He wipes his mouth.

"Okay. Let's just track this thing." Phil coughs slightly. "What's the last thing we remember doing last night?"

"Well, the first thing was we were on the roof and we were taking those shots of Jager." I say, looking at him.

Stu gags.

"And then we ate dinner at the palm right?" Phil asks, writing it down.

"That's right." Alan says, nodding. "And then we played craps at the Hard Rock and I think...I think Doug was there."

"That sounds right. No, no, no. He definitely was." Phil says, waiting it down.

"You know what, guys? I don't even remember going to dinner." Stu sighs.

"What the fuck? I don't think I've ever been this hungover." Phil says, leaning back and putting his hands behind his head.

"I remember dinner." I rub my eyes. "But I don't remember Hard Rock."

"After the Hard Rock, I blacked out. It was like emptiness." Alan laughs a little

Phil leans forward in his seat and looks at us. "Okay. We have up until 10 that gives us a 12-hour window where we could have lost him."

I look at him. "12 hours...In Vegas...Phil...a lot could've happened...he could be anywhere."

Phil gives me a soft smile and lays his hand over mine. "I know. Don't worry. We'll find him."

I nod and look as Alan gasps and pulls something outta his pocket, looking at it confused.

"What is this?" He asks, staring at it as he holds it up.

Stu looks up. "Oh, my God. That is my tooth. Why do you have that? What else is in your pockets?"

My eyes widen as I look at what Alan's holding and realize it really is a tooth, and not just any tooth. It's the tooth missing from Stu's mouth. I cringe a little. I might be a doctor, but I don't do teeth. Hence why I'm a doctor and not a dentist. Phil claps his hands.

Doctors Orders for a Hangover - Phil WenneckWhere stories live. Discover now