Chapter 8

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Emily's P.O.V. ~

Phil turns the lights and the siren on. He pulls over onto the sidewalk.

"No! Oh, no! Phil! No, Phil!" Stu freaks out

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"No! Oh, no! Phil! No, Phil!" Stu freaks out.

I start laughing. "This is so cool!"

"Emily! You're supposed to be responsible!" Stu snaps.

"I'm on vacation! I don't care."

"See! Even Em thinks it's awesome." Phil laughs before talking over the PA "Attention, please. Move out of the way. I repeat, please disperse."

"Please, stop the car, I wanna get out." Stu says. "Stop the car. I wanna get out! Pull over."

"Pull over where?" I giggle.

"Please disperse." Phil says into the PA before turning it off. "I should have been a fucking cop." Phil starts laughing.

I lean forward and whisper. "You'd be a sexy cop."

He glances at me in the mirror and smirks. I giggle and lean back. Stu screams when we almost hit someone. We finally made it to the hospital and park. Stu gets out quickly and lets Alan out. I unbuckle Carlos and I before passing him to Alan. Phil opens my door, letting me out.

"So...I'd make a sexy cop?" He whispers, smirking at me.

"Of course. You're already a sexy teacher." I smile.


"You guys coming?" Stu yells over to us.

I sigh and walk around the building toward the guys with Phil following me. After about ten minutes, we finally found the doctor that helped Phil. He's with a patient.

"Look, I already told you. You came in with a mild concussion, some bruised ribs. No big deal." He says. "Although none of you could articulate how it happened."

"Do you remember how many of us were here?" I ask, sweetly.

"I don't know. I think it was just you guys. Definitely no baby." He pauses. "Oh and one other guy."

"That's our guy. Was he okay?" Stu asks.

"Yeah, he was fine. Just whacked out of his mind. You all were." He says, before looking at his patient.

He has the guy stand up. He pulls down his pants and I turn around. Phil puts my face into his chest while the doctor has the guy cough. The doctor talks to him for a minute before leaving with us.

"Guys, I really gotta go. I'm sorry. I have surgery on the fourth floor." The doctor explains.

Phil pulls out a $100 and shows the man. "No, I know. But we just need a couple more minutes of your time."

"Yeah. Tuck it right in there. I don't want to re-sterilize." He says.

Phil tucks the money into the doctor's pocket. The doctor walks away and gets Phil's file.

Doctors Orders for a Hangover - Phil WenneckWhere stories live. Discover now