The Pictures on the Camera

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Alan is laying on a bed with a topless black woman.

Alan laying again with her but is now passed out.

Stu is smiling with two strippers.

Chow is on the strippers stage, starting to strip.

Phil laying over Emily with the end of a lollipop stick in his mouth. He is trying to put it in her mouth.

Everyone is smiling crowded around Chow. Emily has a large feathered hat on.

The next few pictures are the guys stealing Chow's purse.

Jade is dancing on the stage and Stu is smiling at the camera, putting money into her undies.

He's dancing with her now.

A stripper is sitting on Phil's lap with her legs in the air. Phil is staring at the couch next to him, which has Emily talking to Doug.

Emily is now up and pushing the stripper.

Emily is now stripping for Phil.

Another stripper is dancing in front of Alan but he's paying attention to his beeper.

Stu and Jade are almost kissing on the stage.

Stu, with pliers, pulling out his tooth while Jade watches, with a disgusted face.

Stu has the tooth in the pliers and his mouth is covered in blood.

Another photo with Stu and the pliers but his teeth were cleaned with a cloth and Alan smiles widely.

Doug looking at the camera as he lays on newspaper despenders.

Alan sleeping on a marking meter.

Stu and Emily have a drinking contest.

Stu is throwing up while Emily is still drinking.

Emily holding up the bottle in victory as Stu throws up.

Alan and Phil are arresting a couple while Doug is sitting on the cop car with a shot gun. Emily is smiling widely while leaning next to Doug.

Alan is sitting with an older lady at a gambling machine.

Alan fires the gun off the roof.

They're at the craps table with Chow, gambling.

There in a limo. Emily and Phil are making out while Alan watches.

Alan is now sitting with two girls, and they're kissing his cheeks.

Stu is with Carrot Top.

Carrot top laughing with the group.

Carrot Top doing cocaine.

They're at a tattoo shop and Emily is shaking her head no.

Alan gets his belly button pierced.

Alan screaming, looking at it.

They take it out and theres blood.

Phil is laying in the hospital bed with Emily cuddled against him, both sleeping. Stu and Doug are screaming at the camera.

Stu put his hand under the blanket making it look like Phil has a hard-on.

Phil and Emily are up and laughing. Phil is holding a bottle of liquor.

Doug is laying on his stomach, on his mattress on the roof.

Alan humping on Doug back, laughing.

Photos from the wedding that they seen before.

Emily and Phil kissing in their wedding outfits.

The group, Stu, Doug, Phil, Emily and Alan all lined up, arms around each other, smiling the biggest smiles they've ever had.

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