Chapter 10

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Emily's P.O.V. ~

Two men get out and walk up to the car, containing baseball bats in their hands. They smack against the windows, causing Phil and I to jump.

"Where the hell is he?" The one on Phil's side yells.

"Hey, easy, easy." He puts his hands up. "I think we're looking for the same guy, okay?"

The guy on my side hits the windshield with the bat. I scream and Carlos starts to cry.

"Hey! What the hell man?!" I yell.

"Where is he!?" The same guy yells.

"I don't know! What are you talking about?" Phil yells.

"Sir, can you please start the tractor so we can get out of here?" Stu asks, smacking the armrest  from the back seat.

"I'm trying to, but we're fucking blocked!" Phil yells.

The man lifts the baseball bat and Phil pulls me down to cover me, just in case.

"Hey! There's a baby on board!" Alan yells.

"Get out of the car!" The first guy snaps.

Eddie walks out from the Chapel.

"Why you making trouble for my business, man?"

The man on my side pulls out a gun and I grab Phil's arm.

"Get out of the fucking car!" he yells.

"Phil, he's got a gun!" Alan yells.

"No shit he's got a gun!" Phil snaps to him.

"Come on." Phil starts the car and puts it in gear.

He pulls forward and runs over one of the guys' foot. He almost falls and shoots Eddie in the shoulder.

 He almost falls and shoots Eddie in the shoulder

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"He shot me!" Eddie yells.

"He shot Eddie!" Stu yells.

The man points the gun at me and glares. "Get the fuck out!"

"Fuck this shit." Phil snaps.

He leans over and buckles me in before turning and reversing quickly. We hit the orange car and burst into a glass bus stop. He quickly stops the car before it hits one that was coming. He puts it in drive and speeds off. I lean back in my seat and let out a breath in relief. Carlos keeps crying so Alan tries to quiet him down.

"Okay. Oh, that was some sick shit." Phil whispers to himself. He looks at me. "Are you okay?"

I nod slightly and sigh. "Woah...We almost died."

Phil reaches over and takes my hand.

"What the fuck is going on?!" Stu yells, in the silent car.

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