Chapter 6 (Brent's POV): The Protector

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I was sitting in homeroom waiting for Jacob, as usually, when some of his other friends and fellow football players came in talking about how to mess with someone I only heard of as “the new kid”. I was a little concerned since I had an idea of who it was and when I remembered how Jacob had a crush on him I just got worried even more because there was no telling how he would act in the inevitable corner he'll be pushed into if he has to choose between his friends and a crush, and a guy crush at that. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard the group jeering and that could only mean one of two things, Jacob had arrived or the new kid had and it turned out to be both. I watched intently to see what would happen and was only a little shocked when Jacob turned to give the poor kid a stabbing glare as he walked over to the group, who were all standing by now.

In a moment of quick thinking I stood up and walked over to the kid and smiled at him as I wrapped an arm around him. I dragged him to a seat next to me in the back of the class and sat him down. This earned me a glare from the group of football players but they knew better than to speak up, a guy like me didn't get onto the team just by being good.

“Hey, I'm Brent.” I introduced myself as I plopped into my own chair.

“I-I'm Lucas” the kid said, looking down at his hands in his lap.

“Well Lucas, since you're new here how about I take a look at your schedule and see if I can help you find any classes.”

“Jacob's was suppose to help me.” I could see a bit of red on his cheeks even though his hair was practically covering up his whole face.

“I have most of the same classes as Jacob so I can help to, and besides he can be a bit of a jerk around his friends, besides when he's just with me.” this seemed to catch his attention since he looked up at me.

“You're friends with him?” he sounded shocked but I'm a bit different compared to his jock friends so I guess shock could be a normal reaction.

“Yup, I've know him longer than all the other clowns that he calls friends.” I made sure to say that loud enough for Jacob and his group to hear me, they all glared at me.

“Oh, ok.” and he finally handed me his schedule.

“Awesome, the only things I don't have with you are the first half of 3rd but I have lunch with you and 5th.”

“Jacob has full 3rd and 5th with me.” he sounded happy but I couldn't tell yet if he had a crush on Jacob or just liked him because he talked to him yesterday.

“Then I can bring you to a few classes and Jacob can bring you to the ones I can't.”

“Sounds good.” and just as he said that the bell rang.

I grabbed his arm and led him to the door, keeping him close. Everything was fine getting out but as we were walking everyone in Jacob's group of friends, including Jacob, hit Lucas in the shoulder as they quickly walked by. I glared at everyone as they passed but just gave Jacob a look of pity.

“Are you alright?” I whispered to Lucas and he just shook his head, holding his arm, “Come on.” I lead him in the opposite direction and brought him to the nurse's office.

“Hello dear, did you forget to take your medication at home?” a plump woman with brown hair and dark green eyes asked as she saw me.

“No, I'm fine. My friend, Lucas, here needs an ice pack though. Jacob and some of his friends decided to give him a rough welcome.” I was trying hard to not show how angry I was.

“Oh no, what did they do?” she walked over and was giving Lucas a look over for any injuries other than his obviously hurting arm.

“They hit him as they walked by.”

“The lot of them are cowards, hitting a defenseless kid that hasn't even been here a day. I don't know how you put up with Jacob.” She was putting ice into a bag and wrapping in in paper towels as she spoke.

“I'm going to have a talk with him when I can get him alone,” I reassured her, “Lucas, why don't you sit down, relax for a bit.” I had only just noticed the tears going down his face since he was so quiet.

I lead him over to a chair and sat him down as the nurse, Ms. Levrit, handed me the ice pack. I sat on the side of him with his hurt arm and slowly moved his hand and replaced it with the ice. He winced but other than that he sat still. We sat in silence as we waited for him to feel better. He surprisingly broke the silence when he asked, “Can I call to go home?”

“If that's what you want deary then of course you can.” Ms. Levrit replied and then she took out her cell phone and handed it to him, the phone here is broken so you can use this one.” He nodded and dialed a number before putting the phone to his ear.

After a few seconds he said in a shaking voice “Can you pick me up? I want to go home.”...”Ok, I'm in the nurse's office.”...”Ok, love you too, bye.” and the he hung up.

“Is there anything you need to get dear?” he just shook his head in response and handed back her phone.

“Do you want me to stay here and wait with you?” I asked and he nodded, “I'm going to have a talk with them and make sure this doesn't happen again.”

After a few minutes of waiting his brother showed up to collect him, thanking me for looking out for him the best I could, and then they left and I headed back to class.

The wait for lunch was long but by the time it came around I was completely prepared for what I was going to do. By the time I got to the table everyone was sitting and chatting already, at least they were until I sat down.

“What the fuck were you guys thinking?” I practically shouted at them as I slammed my fist on the table and a small sound of wood splintering could be heard.

“What are you talking out?” one of the guys asked, trying to act like they didn't have a clue.

“You know damn well what I'm talking about and acting like you don't just makes me more temped the beat your ass.”

“We were just messing around, it's no big deal.”

“No big deal?” my voice rose a bit more, “Of course it's a big deal, that kid's probably been though hell already and you just had to go and fuck things up a bit more.”

“Well maybe if he was less of a freak...” and I cut him off right there.

“Are you calling me a freak? 'Cause there isn't much difference between us.” he gulped and shut up.

“What are you trying to say?” another bigger guy chimed in.

“What I'm trying to say is that I'm going to be keeping an eye on that kid and if any of you lay a finger on him again I will personally kick your ass until you're black and blue.” and with that threat everyone stayed quiet and went back to eating. The last thing I did before digging in was give Jacob a look that he knew meant that I was going to talk more with him later.

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