Eggs, Toast, Ham, Cornbread, Pudding, and Tea

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Eggs, toast, ham, cornbread, pudding, and tea.  

That was what Lance was craving as his carriage neared the gates of his father's house. 

It has been such a long time since he has been here. When he left for college he never intended to come back. 

But life never goes to plan. At least that's Veronica's excuse for everything since her husband left her for another woman. 

"We are here sir", Allura, Lance's personal bodyguard, said when the carriage came to a stop. 

Many in today's society would look down on Lance for having a female bodyguard. Men were more qualified, that's what many people say.  But Allura would prove them all wrong when they uttered those words. She already has on multiple occasions. 

That's what made her so amazing to Lance. 

"Oh thank the heavens! This carriage ride was so boring I think I lost my will to live", Lance exclaimed as he dramatically fell onto the seat. 

Allura rolled her eyes. "Lance, get up. We have no time to waste". 

Lance let out a small sigh. She was right. Lance's father would never call him here unless it was important. He was smart enough to know that.

Lance jumped out of the carriage like a cat. 

The once large smile now replaced with a blank stare. 

The stare was directed towards his family's home. 

"Are you ready Lance?", Allura asked as she pushed her hair into a tight bun. 

Lance nodded.

"Yep. Let's go. I would like to see what my father wants". 

With that the two walked into the house, unaware of the story that was about to unfold. 

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