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Brooklyn POV

Candace invited me to her thirteenth birthday party. She said its nothing big, she just invited me and some few of her other friends from school.

"Mama please hurry up. I don't wanna be late," I said innocently as I rushed to the car.

I watched my mom taking her time to get to the car. I guess that's what I get for asking my seven month pregnant mother to drive to my best friend's party.

She got in the car and looked at me. "Don't even comment on my speed missy," she said chuckling.

I laughed then zipped my mouth and pretended to throw away the key.

She drove around for about twenty minutes then she stopped when she got to Candace's place.

"Bye mom. Love you," I said kissing her cheek then I opened the door.

"Love you too baby. Have fun," she said and I got out of the car.

I knocked on the door and her mother opened it. She then directed me to where she was having her little party.

"Hey Brook," she said coming to hug me.

"Hey Candy," I said hugging her back. I then gave her gift to her.

I looked around and it looks like I'm the first one to arrive. We always do that on each others birthdays. We arrive really early in order to help where needed.

 We arrive really early in order to help where needed

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I looked around and the place looked amazing. I helped her with the finishing touches then the rest of the girls started arriving.

We were having a blast then someone knocked on the door. "Are you ladies having fun?" I heard a familiar voice. I turned and saw Darrell. "If you guys need anything I'm upstairs."

I didn't know my future bae was coming. This day just got interesting.

Beyonce POV

I got in the kitchen to find Shawn eating a sandwich. I got in and took the other half and he just looked at me smiling.

"What do you think you are doing Mrs Carter?" He said pulling me closer to him.

"I'm eating duh," I said playfully rolling my eyes.

I put my sandwich down and looked at Shawn who was sitting on the kitchen island on the chair.

"You look handsome today. Did you get a haircut?" I asked and he nodded.

"I do look fly don't I?" He said popping up his invisible collar.

I laughed. "You are something else," I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck then leaned down and kissed him passionately.

"Daddy, there are some men at the door," Josline said entering the kitchen.

Shawn broke the kiss and I groaned. "Can't a wife just have a normal make out session with her husband?" I mumbled under my breath.

"Don't worry babe. We'll finish later," he said and he pecked my lips one last time and he stood up.

I followed him and remembered that him and Junior are gonna be working on the nursery today. I bet the men were just here to deliver some of the stuff.

I waddled outside to find Shawn speaking to some man and Cole came out the front seat of the truck.

What's Cole doing here?

I watched them unload the stuff into the garage.

"Hey Mrs Carter," Cole said hugging me.

"Hey Cole. What are you doing here?" I said.

"Well, my uncle has this woodwork shop so I asked him to hook you guys with the best of the baby stuff you are gonna need for the nursery," he said and I smiled. "What can I say? I've always wanted a baby sibling and doing this is just fun and I love helping y'all," he said.

"Thanks boo. I really appreciate it," I said.

I went back in the house to tell the twins to be careful when moving around the house. I sat in the living room watching TV with the twins. I then looked at the time and saw that I should go pick up Brooklyn from Candace's place.

Brooklyn POV

I stood next to Darrell as I waited for mom to come fetch me.

"So queen, can I have your digits. I wanna holla at you later," he said licking his lips.

We then exchanged phone numbers. We talked for a while then I heard my mom's car horn.

"See you later queen," he said softly and then kissed my cheek.

"Bye," I said waving while smiling.

I then jogged to my mom's car and got in the front seat.

"Who's that boy you were just with?" she said sternly.

Damn. I guess her mood swings are kicking in.

"That's Darrell," I said lowly.

"Stay away from him. I don't wanna see you around him. His bad news," she said.

My head shot up and I looked at her. "But he-"

"I don't wanna hear it Starr. I said what I said," she semi yelled.

This woman doesn't know what she is talking about. I've been hanging out Darrell and his really cool.

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