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1 month later...

Since Beyonce never threw her baby shower, she then decided that Blue Ivy should have her baby shower now.

She invited only a few friends and close relatives for her baby shower.

"Mommy, can I hold her?" Justin said with his hands out.

Beyonce just looked at her son with a raised eyebrow. "Not a chance Sekani," she said.

"I don't know what the fuss is all about? She landed on the bed," he said leaving.

Family and friends started arriving. Shawn and the boys were outside on the grill while the ladies were in the kitchen.

"Mama, can you please hold Blue. I wanna pump some milk for her," Beyonce said giving Blue Ivy to her mom, Tina.

She took the pump and started pumping the milk.

"Mama, nobody wants to see that," Brooklyn said with an appalled expression.

Beyonce just rolled her eyes. "Why you acting like you never seen a woman's nipple," she said chuckling.

As she was busy pumping Solange accidentally spilled some juice on Beyonce's shirt.

"I'm so sorry Bey," Solange said.

"It fine. Imma go upstairs and change," she said. She put the pump down and went upstairs to change.

She got on another shirt. As she was about to go out, Shawn walked in.

"What are you doing here?" She said smiling.

He looked at her and he licked his lips. "I saw you coming upstairs so I decided to follow you," he said getting closer to her. "I feel so blessed to be looking at you," he said and he pecked her lips.

"Thank you for being my rock," she said wrapping her arms around his neck.

"I should be thanking you for giving me such beautiful kids," he said pecking her lips again.

"I love you Shawn Corey Carter," she said looking to his eyes.

"I love you too Beyonce Giselle Knowles-Carter," he said pecking her lips again.

She then deepened the kiss and started having their own make out session.

The End.

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