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Jackson does not like Thursdays. He has to wake up at seven in the fucking morning, for one. Not for soccer or some class he enjoys. Oh no. Jackson wakes up at this ungodly hour for an economics class that counts for a major he wants to change.

Thankfully no one else gets up this early so the bathroom is unoccupied. Jackson takes a quick shower, then walks the short distance back to his room, a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Jackson?" Lauren pokes her head out of her room and Jackson stops, surprised. When she sees him, her eyes widen at his bare chest.

"Yes?" Jackson asks slowly.

"Are you sure you're gay?"


Lauren sighs. "Okay, I'm going back to sleep. Are you eating dinner here? If you are I can cook something."

"Yeah we'll be back after practice."

Lauren waves sleepily and closes her door.

Jackson and Lauren have been close since they learned senior year they would be going to the same college. Not to mention they both had been, in a way, disappointed by Maverick Bale, a boy they both had a thing with in high school. At first, Lauren had held that against him, but soon she realized that Maverick meant nothing more to Jackson than the countless boys that came and went from their apartment.

Caleb he met through soccer tryouts. Their friendship formed out of mutual love of soccer and partying and having a secret (maybe not so secret) nerdy side that manifested in Lord of the Rings marathons. Jackson might have crushed on him when they first began talking, but that soon fizzled out with Caleb's unfortunate straightness and undeniable goofiness. Caleb has said before that if he wasn't straight they would definitely go there. Jackson believes you aren't really best friends if you wouldn't.

Regardless, sophomore year the three of them decided to split the cost and move into an apartment together a few minutes off campus.

So far Lauren and Caleb haven't given him any reason to regret this living arrangement, but their flirting has really grated on his nerves recently. As long as they don't start dating, Jackson thinks, everything will be alright.


Speaking of dating, Jackson's pretty sure his Macroeconomics professor and the mousy teacher aid are getting it on after office hours. Classes have only been in session for a week or so, but Professor Weber has winked at her twenty three times and counting.

Professor Weber connects his computer to the large TV at the front of the room. Another boring lecture. Jackson pulls out a notebook, preferring to take handwritten notes. He reaches into his backpack, but he can't find a pen. He must have forgotten a writing utensil on his desk in his rush this morning.

Jackson gently taps the guy next to him.

"Could I borrow a pen?"

"Sure." The guy searches his bag―a worn JanSport with a rainbow pin―and takes out a pen. "Blue pen okay?"

"Yeah." Jackson takes the pen. "I like your pin."

The guy glances at him in surprise. "Oh. Thanks."

"I'm Jackson, by the way. I don't think I've seen you around before."

"Hunter Lee." He nods at Jackson, and he's actually very cute, angular cheekbones glowing with highlight and almond shaped eyes framed by mascara. "I don't play a sport, that's probably why. This place fucking worships their athletes."

"That's for sure. I'm on the soccer team, so I'd know." It came out colder than Jackson had meant.

"Oh, I'm not trying to offend you. I love sweaty, muscular guys in a uniform as much as the next person. I was just making an observation."

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