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After a tedious lunch break with Jack, in which Jackson made quite the effort to laugh at his jokes and join in on the usual routine gossip of the Ice Court, he sits at his usual uncomfortable chair in front of the usual small desk working on a boring Excel sheet that Sofia ordered him to complete today.

    The therapy session yesterday had thrown him off, which is really unexpected and impressive considering how unemotional Jackson considers himself. Somehow Delilah had figured him out. While she made Jackson fidget and squirm, he has to concede that even just admitting how he felt, whether he consciously knew it or not, unlocked something inside, something that had wanted to be free for some time now.

    The phone rings abruptly and loudly, and Jackson accidentally drops the file and curses as the pages flutter to the ground. He catches a scowl on Sofia's face from the corner of his eye as he reaches down to pick them up.
    "Yes?" Sofia asks. Her eyes narrow on Jackson. "But why?"

    Sensing the call has to do with him, Jackson mouths what? She shakes her head.

    "Fine. I will send him over." She hangs up. Jackson knows, then, and his heart pounds like a drum. Sofia's sharp eyes study Jackson, then she sighs. "Mr. Sawyer requests your presence in his office." After a moment of silence in which Jackson simply stares at her, she waves him away with a hand. "Now!"

    Startled, Jackson quickly stands up and the file on his lap falls to the floor again, but with a furious look from Sofia he ignores the mess and walks out. Faintly he hears Sofia mutter, "Boys."

    Does she know? This isn't the first time he's wondered. Does it matter if she does? Jackson decides it does. Maybe he should be more careful. Maybe Mr. Sawyer should be too.

    He walks down the hall, ignores the curious, puzzled glances sent his way. This does not concern them. Jackson wishes everyone had been out for lunch. Is his office sound proof? His cheeks burn as he reaches the door with that last question in mind, remembering another day, another question, in this very office.

    Knock, knock. His fingers tremble so much he can barely make a fist. Why is he still so nervous. Silence follows. "Mr. Sawyer?"

    Still, silence. Jackson decides to try his luck and open the door with fear of coming back to Sofia without seeing him. He slowly opens the door. Mr. Sawyer has his back turned, almost hunched, his hands on the desk in front of him, not unlike the position he put Jackson in not long ago. As if Mr. Sawyer hears this thought, he turns around, his jaw rigid and his eyes ice cold.

    "Mr. Cooper."

    "Mr. Sawyer."

    Then the Ice Queen moves aside, revealing a large, colorful, blooming bouquet of roses and a box of chocolates wrapped with a red silk bow smack center on the desk. Jackson's mouth falls open. He feels giddy. He wants to laugh. Mr. Sawyers deadly expression prevents him, and he raises an eyebrow.

    "You asked for me, sir?"

    Mr. Sawyer smiles, except it's not a smile in any sense of the word, his eyes shut briefly and a short, angry laugh following a finger in the air.

    "Oh, no. Not this time, Jackson. You don't get to play pretend. I know you sent this anonymous...gift. Now I want you to explain yourself before I―I―"

    "Before you, what?" Jackson smirks and saunters up to Mr. Sawyer. He stops when a hand reaches out and presses against his chest. "Before you tell HR that we fucked? Before you fuck me again?"

    Mr. Sawyer breathes in sharply. He glances at the roses and chocolate. "I don't do romance." Jackson touches the hand on his chest, fingertips dancing lightly across the tendons, the slim wrist, the soft, sensitive undersides. Mr. Sawyer's eyes, stormy blue, lock onto his.

    "This isn't romance, Mr. Sawyer. This is seduction."

    "One and the same."

    Jackson leans forward and brings his lips to Mr. Sawyer's neck. He hears a muffled noise and leans back until his mouth reaches Mr. Sawyer's ear, very proud of the light flush on his neck.

    "Not in the slightest."

    Then Jackson decides his work is done and turns to leave the office. He's a step away when a hand catches his wrist and pulls him back. Oh my. Mr. Sawyer kisses him fiercely, openly, a hand sliding down his back and under the waistband of his pants, right down the center to that sensitive sweet spot, and Jackson gasps, lost in that ice cold touch, the rough lips sealing away his breath, and then he's pushed away, towards the door, flustered and hot and readjusting his pants and combing down his hair.

"I make the rules, Mr. Cooper. Don't forget."

    And with that Jackson returns to Sofia's office, but not before a long and necessary trip to the restroom.


When Jackson gets back to the apartment after work, he walks in on Caleb and Lauren flirting in the kitchen. He hears them giggling and talking in hushed voices. He walks quietly down the hall, still obscured from their view.

    "...stop, Caleb, OMG you're ridiculous..."

    "...you're cute when you smile...sorry I just had to say that..."

    "...don't say sorry...you know I like compliments..."

    "...well, then you're beautiful, smart, funny, and a really good kisser..."

    Silence. He hears...oh. His stomach plummets to the ground. Jackson doesn't want to round the corner where he will witness them kiss. Somehow he's managed to find a way and cut everything that once belonged to him out of his life. He's alone, on the edge of life, unwanted, unneeded. How long has this been going on? When were they going to tell him? Were they ever going to tell him?

    He walks back to the door, quietly opens it, then slams it shut hard.

    "I'm home!" Jackson yells. He usually doesn't let them know, but he doubts they will notice it. His voice sounds irritated enough to match the tension.

    When he turns the corner, Caleb leans against the counter, scrolling on his phone and Lauren opens the fridge, clearly just wanting something to do. They both glance at him with equally nervous frowns.

    "Any leftovers?" Jackson asks. Caleb resolutely doesn't look up from his phone.

    "Are there any leftovers, Lauren?" he asks without looking up. Lauren sighs and looks around the fridge.

    "Yeah there's some pasta and chicken from last night's dinner." She shuts the fridge and walks past Jackson. A few moments later a door slams shut.

    Jackson wants to say something, but doesn't know what. He's made it plenty worse as it is. Instead, he goes to the fridge and takes out the Tupperware, mimicking Lauren's long sigh when Caleb marches back to his room and closes the door with an echoing click, leaving Jackson alone.


a/n: okay so super short chapter and sort of sad.....I think I'm going to start updating twice a week! school finished so i'll have the time :)

please comment and vote !! <333

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