Tik Tok

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Harry sits on his bed and opens Tik Tok scrolling through the for you page. He comes across a Tik Tok where someone sends their crush a series of Snapchat and posts their reaction.

He thinks of his ex band-mate Louis.
Yes, Harry styles likes Louis Tomlinson what's so bad about that?

Harry saves the sound to his favourites and heads to the Snapchat app.
He stands up and takes a selfie with a filter. "Fuck that looks like shit."

He takes about 13 more pictures with different filters and chooses his top 5 pictures and edits them with the words and emojis to spice it up.
Clicking on Louis and his' Snapchat messages he rethinks this.

"He doesn't have to know, right?" He asks himself stupidly. He knows Louis is probably down the street or with his beard Eleanor. He sighs and sends him the first picture, waits a minute and then sends the second.

He repeats the pattern until all five have been sent. Settling down on his desk swinging his legs gently, he clicks on the Tik Tok app again. Choosing the sound from before and making the first shot of the video. He saves the video in his drafts and lays back On his desk waiting for the buzz from Louis.

2 minutes pass, a buzzing Noice vibrates off of the desk onto Harry's back. The curly-haired boy lifts his phone and immediately sits ups

Clicking on the notification bringing up the Snapchat app. The picture Louis replied with pops onto his screen.

 The picture Louis replied with pops onto his screen

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Harry sits there staring at Louis's perfect face. He smiles to himself and sighs knowing he will never have that boy. He closes his phone and covers his face with his large hands.

A loud knock comes from his door.
"Who is it?" Harry asks nervously

Another knock comes from the door.

"It's unlocked." Harry Yells out expecting Mitch.
"Wow.." Harry hears, he lifts up his head and sees Louis standing there. Converse, grey sweats, a large hoodie and a beanie.

"Uh.. Louis hi!" Harry tried to cover up his nervousness with a large smile as he sits up on his desk.

"Hey," Louis says, walking closer to Harry and closing the door behind him. "I saw what you sent me. Was it true?"

"W-well it's a-a trend on-"

"But you sent it to me. You could've sent it to anyone else. You chose me. Did. You. Mean. It?" Louis presses interrupting Harry.

A small nod comes from the younger boy. Harry rubs the back of his neck nervously. "I'm sorry okay? I shouldn't have sent it. Simons gonna kill me if this gets out please Louis don't tell him." Harry pleads, worried Louis will tell Simon about his sexuality.
"I wouldn't do that. I couldn't hurt you, Harry." Louis mumbles walking closer to the tall boy, tucking a strand of curl behind his ear.

"What are you doing lou?"

"Doing what I've wanted to do for ten years. After you peed on my damn shoe in the x-factor bathroom."

Harry chuckles and looks down at Louis. He sees Louis slowly lifting himself up on his tippy toes trying to reach Harry's lips. Harry leans down and meet in the middle. Soft lips rubbing against each other.

Louis wraps his arms around Harry's neck, gripping his hair while Harry's hands roam Louis sides.
They both pull away out of breath. Harry looks down at Louis and gulps.
"What did we just do..?" He quietly asks

"I think we just kissed," Louis says under his breath.
They both pause for a moment. Louis drops his head, staring at the ground while Harry rubs his neck sadly. He realized he fucked up his chances,
Louis raises his head and whispers,
"Can we do that again..?"

Harry fixes his gaze on Louis and laughs a little. Louis looks up at Harry and hits his chest. "Don't laugh at me asshole. Fine, I'm leaving!" He says sternly walking towards the door.

Harry jumps off of the desk and grips Louis waist, spinning him around. A small "Don't." Leaves Harry's lips as he holds onto Louis's small figure.

Louis smiles and moves Harry's hands to wrap around his neck whilst walking closer to the tall man. He pushes Harry back making him fall onto the bed.

Harry moves back and leans against the headboard. Louis climbs onto the bed and sits on Harry's lap.

They close their eyes and kiss softly. Keeping it slow and passionate. Hands roaming bodies, gripping onto the feeling of love floating in the air.

Harry cups Louis cheeks holding him close as Louis runs his fingers through Harry's hair letting their lips share their emotions.

Louis pulls back taking deep breaths staring into Harry's deep emerald eyes. Harry licks his lips and smiles letting his eyes run over every detail of Louis's face.

"We're gonna die if this gets out" Harry exclaims

"Shh... don't think about that right now," Louis whispers running his thumb over Harry's soft plump lips. "Just enjoy it." He slides his hands down the younger boy's chest, slipping them in his hands and holding them tightly.

Harry kisses Louis once more. Catching his lips mid breath. Taking in Louis's scent and taste. Loving every second of the tingling feeling left on his lips.

Harry pulls back and smiles wide holding Louis on his chest, cuddling the smaller body close to his large frame. Closed eyes, long breaths and memories filling their minds.

A crash and squeal ring through the two boys' ears. A flash of a camera makes the darkness of their eyelids flash with a dash of white.

Both boys sit up in a swift movement darting their eyes to the doorway where a short blond boy stands with a disposable camera.


"My ship has sailed! Larry is real!!!!" Niall giggles

"Niall shut up or I will shove a shoe down your throat!"


A small voice echos through the house resembling Liam Payne. "Why?"

Louis lays his head back on Harry's chest sighing.

Another giggle comes out of the Irish lad.


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