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(Brutal) (detailed murder so... haha)

Harry and Ty were together for years, Since year 9 to be exact. They were the gay power couple for the school and everyone loved them. Harry's best friend's despised Ty. Louis, Liam, Niall and Zayn were protective over their baby. Ever since the beast came into Harry's life. He's been hanging with him and his friends.

It's now year 12 and Harry thought him and Ty we're going strong. That's until he found Ty and Lizzy kissing in the boy's change room.

Harry's heart shattered. Tears welled up in his eyes as he ran out of the room after trying to find his hoodie. The love of his life was kissing another.. a girl!

The broken boy made his way to Louis locker. He hadn't stood there in years. He found the boys standing around Louis, leaning against his locker talking about something.

Liam's head turns quickly to the approaching footsteps. "Harry?" He questions not believing it.

Louis's head snaps to the boy along with the rest. Tears streaming down Harry's cheeks, his hands gripping the necklace his now ex-boyfriend gave him. 

Louis walks to Harry and engulfs him in a large hug. A mean look playing on his face while he squeezes the boy. "I always hated that guy." Making Harry
Giggle remembering the countless times Louis had warned him.

"Come on, let's ditch the rest of the day and we can have a movie marathon with as many snacks as you want. We can do anything you please haz." Louis says softly.

Harry nods, hugging the slightly taller boy.

The two boys gathered their stuff and made their way to Louis's car side by side. Eyes staring at Harry's slouched body. Tears roaming down his face in groups. Once outside, they tossed their bags in the backseat of the car and Louis let Harry into the passenger seat. Before getting into the car, The taller boy sees Ty standing at the doors of their school. Louis got in, pulled out of the parking lot and drove.

About 5 minutes later they arrived at Harry's smaller house. Harry leads Louis inside and plops down onto the couch, dropping to his side and smashing his face into his pale arm.

"Bubs cheer up. He was a Toby anyway." Louis soothes sitting beside him. Harry switches his gaze
From the black cushioning to Louis blue eyes. "A Toby?"

"Yeah, it means idiot or dumbass. Just slang..."'Louis replies. "How about we just watch a movie and take your mind off of him, okay?" He rubs Harry's back soothingly.

"I get to choose 'cause I am not watching grease for the billionth time." Harry snatches the remote and puts on Scream. The smell of buttery popcorn fills the room, Louis steps into the living area with a large bowl filled to the brim with popped corn and two drinks.

He sets everything down and sits beside Harry, holding his best friend close to his chest.

Two hours and a half passed, the popcorn was almost gone and both boys had gone through three cans of pop. When something clicked in Louis's brilliant mind.

The perfect murder.

He unlinks himself from Harry's sleeping body, laying him softly on the cushions and covering him with a blanket. Louis stands up and makes his way to the basement where his father's stuff resigns.

Stuffing his white shirt into his denim jeans with a nice belt, he slips on his jacket and a Halloween mask, placing something in his pocket. His keys jingle in his small hands and he walks to his car.

The engine muffles a start where he pulls out of his own driveway and drives towards his destination. His destination where everything would change.

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