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(Harry's POV)
When I introduced Eleanor to Louis, I didn't expect them to fall in love.  Always together, kissing backstage, holding hands in public and being the world's favourite couple.

I hate it.

I've loved Louis since we met backstage at the X-Factor auditions. He's always cared for me, especially when we moved in together.

It's been almost four since Eleanor came
Into his life and completely took him from me. It's always #elounor all the time! I hate it. Lou and I only get to hang out during rehearsals or during interviews.

We used to share a hotel room, letting the other boys have their own separate rooms for their own shit. Now I have to stay with nialler. Believe me, I love that knob, but he isn't Louis.

For the past two years, I started growing out my hair. About a year ago the fans called it 'Prince Harry' hair, yet now it's past my shoulders.  The boys started questioning why I grew out my hair when I never let Lou cut it, or when I started putting it in buns or letting Safaa braid it whenever she comes to visit.

I can't tell them the real reason behind it. I just tell them I wanted a change. I didn't want the short look anymore so I started growing it out. That isn't why.

Maybe if I had long hair like Eleanor, Louis would like me...?

(Louis POV)
Eleanor is an amazing girlfriend, ever since Harry introduced me to her we hit it off. Was it love at first sight? Maybe. I cannot thank Harry enough for letting me find the love of my life.

Harry has been growing out his hair for a few years... at first, it was normal and now it's below his shoulder blades. He looks great with it but... it's a change. The boys and I noticed that Harry has grown more distant. Instead of being near me and Eleanor, he spends most of his time with Niall or Liam. Weird honestly. He's my best friend! Now it feels like he's a complete stranger.

It's like when I walk into a room with Eleanor, Harry gets up and leaves. It's like he can't stand me or her. He is starting to look a lot like el... it's sorta weird but whatever.

Recently Eleanor and I have been having some troubles, fights constantly, drinking until I pass out, Eleanor never being pleased.

You see, since X-factor. I have always had a crush on the curly boy. Then Eleanor came in and management said I had to date her since the fans were getting curious.

(Third person)
Harry walks into the venue they will be performing in with his hair in a bun, holding his journal with Niall standing beside him. Liam close behind their tail.

They enter the green room where Eleanor and Louis are sat talking about something. Harry gets hesitant to walk inside. Niall just slips right by, but Liam sees Harry's struggle. He pulls him out of the door frame and decides to talk to him.

"Dude, what's wrong? It's like you can't be in the same room as Eleanor. What's your problem?" Liam asks Calmly rubbing Harry's arm. "I can't tell you li. You won't get it." Harry replies mumbling. Liam shakes his head and chuckles, "Try me."

Harry looks at his boots, the loose strands falling out of his bun coming into view. "I love him li..." Harry whispers to himself. Finally saying it to someone else instead of himself in the mirror.

"Who..? Haz who do you, love?"

Harry lifts his head and looks in the room, seeing Louis and Eleanor cuddling together watching Niall do something. Laughing together and holding each other close.

"I love Louis..." those words escaped his lips Quietly. He looks back at Liam and shakes his head. "I thought..." Harry chokes on his own words. "I-I thought if I grew out my hair... like Eleanor's... he might fall for me.." he scrambles out starting to sob.

Liam pulls the thin boy into a large hug.
Muffled cries for help is all Liam can hear. Louis quickly looks up and to the doorway, where the back of Harry can be seen with Liam's arms wrapped tightly around him.

Louis catches Liam's eyes. Liam glares at Louis and shakes his head. The smaller boy sighs and stands up walking towards the pair. "Haz..?" The familiar voice breaks Harry even more. He holds onto Liam tighter, not wanting to get too close to the voice and break again and again. "Talk to me Harry.. please..." Louis speaks again.

The curly lad breaks away from Liam and wipes his tears. "Louis... Don't" Liam warns him.
"Don't Tell me what to do Liam! I want to talk to Harry. Alone."

Harry nods at Liam letting him sneak past into the green room. "Come on, let's go to the bathroom and get you washed up eh?" Louis says softly grabbing Harry's hand gently, pulling the boy to the bathrooms.

The door slams shut as Harry stumbles to the sink, undoing his perfect bun and letting his hair flow down. Louis admires him from the door but soon walks closer. "Hazza," Harry winces at the old nickname. "Talk to me, please. I'm here for you. I always have been." Louis pleads.

Deep breaths. Harry reminds himself to take deep breaths. Letting tears slowly rush down his cheeks, dropping into the empty dry sink. "I know shit has been going on for you but I'm here. Harry please!"

"You aren't fucking here Louis! You were never here!" Harry yells visibly distraught. "I needed you.. and you left me. For her! I did this all for you asshole! You promised me you would always love me! You said you would be by my side every step of the way. That all vanished.. when s-she came into the picture!" Harry cries. "I did this all for you!!!" He grips his brown locks and pulls on them hard.

Louis's gentle hands are placed on top of Harry's. The crying boy pulls his large hands away and shoves Louis back. "Don't. You know, I have been fixated with your blue eyes and your personality since we first fucking met. FIVE YEARS! I pushed everyone away who wanted me because I wanted someone else who was in love with a girl!! I fucked my whole life up for you!" Harry's cheeks are flooding with tears, his voice booming through. "I-I thought.. if I grew out my hair to look like here. You'd love me."

The smaller boy's heart shatters. He walks closer to the tall man and wraps his arms around his waist. Holding him close no matter how much Harry tries to shove him away. Harry eventually gives up and wraps his arms tightly around Louis's neck, stuffing his head in the crook between Louis's jaw and his shoulder. Sobbing into his shoulder.

Silence fills the bathroom. Soft sobs. Soft words whispered into ears.

"I never wanted to hurt you Haz... I was blinded by her fake love."


(I am sorry this is so shit lmao)

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