Picture Prompt

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The prompt was a picture prompt where you basically look at a picture *top* and write a story about it. This is mine. I have an actual title for it but its trash-Shadows of Life

There once was a man whose life was bright but had many shadows.

He had a family once, a wife, a daughter, and his newborn son. They were his everything. They were his reason to wake up in the morning. They were his whole world. However, his whole world would soon be a desolate void.

Winter came and with it brought snow, and cold, and sickness.

Influenza took his son, sorrow took his wife. She could no longer live with the man that resembled her late son. So, she left. She left in the dark of night. She left her husband to raise their young daughter. She left, and she never came back.

The years went by. The daughter grew as all daughters do. She flourished into a young woman, with her rosie cheeks and strong shoulders to lean on.

The man was proud of her, she would be leaving for college soon. She would be the first of her family to attend and the man already knew she would be great.

The man was worried, though. He wasn't as strong as he used to be and he had relied on her to tend the farm whenever he wasn't able to. However, he knew that college and the city meant better opportunities her. So, he pushed his feelings and fear aside for his daughter.

The day came and she went. She went to study. She went to find her way in life. She went to make something of herself, so that in the end she could support her family. This wasn't just for herself, it was for her father as well.

She wasn't due to return for a year, but the man waited. He waited for his daughter to come home.

He had bought her a single red rose. The same kind of rose she had given him every time he returned from a long journey.

He had waited for her in town, right outside the train station. He hadn't gotten a new letter from her in a few weeks but he figured she had a lot of work to do so he didn't worry.

It had been a long wait, the man was ready to see his daughter. The winter was rigid but the thought of his daughter kept him going.

The train had finally pulled in and his excitement made his heart thump. As students and passengers exited the train, he looked for her, holding the rose tight.

She never appeared.

He called out for her but with no reply, until a young man came up to him and explained why.

His daughter had been killed in a terrible accident.

The man dropped the rose, and his whole world broke at his feet.

Hope you liked this story. This was the first story I wrote returning from summer break and I mean I think it was good for a beginning story. My class liked it.

Xoxo KKHughz

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