Jus Drein Jus Daun

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I love you if you get the references!

I look over at my clock. 
I groan and smash a pillow on my face. I can't sleep. The day's adrenaline is still running through me. I slow my breathing, begging unconsciousness to take me away. Instead I feel like I'm suffocating. I sit up faster than necessary and chuck the pillow across the room. It hits the top of my dresser and sends my nic nacs tumbling down onto the hardwood floor. Cracks and bangs echo through the room. I swear and throw the covers off my legs, willing my body to get up. I cross the room, the cold floor seeping into my feet and up my legs until I'm shivering.
There is glass everywhere. Shards ready to penetrate soft skin. I bend down. It was a figurine. Nancy's figurine. A swan with a small pink flower embedded in its stomach. It was no bigger than my palm, just a little ornament of such. Yet, I begin to sob. My shoulders contorting and arching in unnatural ways as I scream gibberish into the air. Hot, gloppy tears pouring down my face. 
I can't live like this anymore.

He cries and he cries and he cries and he cries. He reminds me of a fallen angel. 
He is awake because I am awake. He is unrested because I am unrested.
He picks up the small pink flower. It's a paper flower, nothing more than a cut out of construction paper, folded and designed to look real. The years of being frozen in glass has withered it. And when he crushes it between his fingers, it simply turns to ash.
Emotions tumble out of me: anger, betrayal, sadness.
The room shudders and a familiar look crosses Jonas' face. 

She's here. I can feel it. The air becomes frigid. The windows are closed but a breeze whips my short hair. The ground shakes.
"What do you want?" I murmur.
Then I am no longer on the ground. I am weightless, levitating over the floor. Panic swells and I lash out, kicking and swinging my arms 
I am no longer in control of my body. I can't move. A silent scream escapes from my lips.
I fall to the floor with a hard thud, my body aching. Shards of glass stick my hands and legs. The room is silent except for the distant sound of...I don't know. It almost sounds like-
Bloody letters trace across the standing mirror. How has it not shattered?
The letters look like they're in a different language, spelling nonsense. Some are backwards.
E-M      D-E-L-L-I-K      U-O-Y
Then, as if the world snaps into focus.
"You killed me." It's barely a whisper. 
My head pounds.
The mirror shatters, an explosion reaching out for me. I feel cuts open across my face. The stinging sensation distracts me from everything else. 
I gasp. A large, jagged, piece of glass pierces my abdomen. Blood flows out of me. 
Pain. It's the only thing I feel. The only thing I see. I can only touch pain. Can only hear it. It is everywhere. Always waiting to lash out.
My head feels like it will explode.
I bang it against the floor, willing to release the pressure.
I am consumed by darkness. My world, dissipating in the wake of another. 

There is always a price. 

"If death has no cost, life has no worth.
Blood must have blood." 

Xoxo KKHughz

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