Erik's Closure

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More stuff about Requiem
“Hey, just so you know, Erik is sobbing in your closet.” Cat says to me out of the blue. Her words startle me from my thoughts and I’m left stuttering.
“Wha-wha-what? Wh-who is Erik?” I ask, very confused.
“Don’t worry about it Karo, he’s a friend of mine.” she deadpans.
“Why is he crying? And why did he choose to do it in my closet?” I ask. I don’t usually prefer random strangers in my house.
She is quiet for a moment then whispers, “he just finished reading Requiem, you know, the one by Lauren Oliver.” Oh, gosh, poor Erik, that book hurt me in ways I can’t explain. The ending was horrible. “And I brought him here so he could read your Closure. He needs a minute, though.” she finishes.
    Ah, Closure. Requiem angered me so much that I decided to write an epilogue-book on Wattpad. It was my way of giving myself closure after the terrible finale, hence the name. Of course, I can’t publish it, I don’t have those rights, but I can sure as heck let people read it.
“Who’d he ship with Lena?” I ask.
    The two love interests were Alex and Julian. The boy from the Wilds and the boy from the tunnels. Lena chose Alex in the end. I, too, preferred Alex Sheathes, however, I felt bad for Julian. He was just an innocent little puppy who fell helplessly in love with Lena. Lena who was in love with Alex.
    I wrote my little fiction in the sense of what happened after the end. What happened with Lena and Alex. How Julian coped. What happened to Tack after Raven died. -All the unanswered questions.
    The whole thing about Requiem that upsets everybody, is that it’s the end of a series but it ends with a cliffhanger very abruptly. It ends in a motivational speech and seems as if it's missing the last fifty pages. In literary terms, we didn’t get a resolution nor a falling action.
“What’s he going to do about it?” I ask, people cope in many different ways. For example: I retaliated.
“He’s a crier. Give ’em a solid year, then he should be fine.”
“Poor guy.”
“I’m hoping he gets a little closure from reading your fic. I’d rather not see him a mess of hysteria for another 364 days.” she says and sighs.

Xoxo KKHughz

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