Castle On The Hill

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You know how a lot of our favorite character die? Yeah well I wrote like an Afterlife version. The two series are Divergent and The Maze Runner.

Everything seemed so happy at the celebration, but with every smiling face she encountered, she seemed to feel worse. Everyone was just so happy to see her, her mother and father embraced her, Urias slapped her on the back and smiled. She had missed that smile. He wasn't supposed to die, no one was, but they did. Thanks to Tris. No matter how much Tobias told her that it wasn't her fault, in the end, she never fully believed it.
She knew Tobias would be mad that she was gone, but there was nothing she could do. David had shot her. She was dead. She was still having a tough time coming to terms with it. For a moment there, she thought she'd be spending the rest of her life with Tobias, but she was wrong, and she was upset. She had a right to be upset.
She wishes it were different. That she hadn't been the hero. That she hadn't sacrificed herself. Sometimes she felt that bravery was all she was. Then she thinks of Tobias and she knows she's wrong.
Her heart ached. It's too bad they don't strip you of emotions up here. It had barely been an hour and she already missed life. 
What did she expect in the afterlife? Holiness? Happiness? Resolution? No. She didn't know what to expect. She signed the contract of death blindly, without reading the fine print.
If she closed her eyes she could almost feel his warmth. His skin. His mouth on hers. 
Memories. They're all memories now. She longed for him. She longed for life. To breathe. To feel, really feel. To see Tobias, Christina, even Caleb. 
She needed to sob. She needed to punch a wall. The white walls around her were too bright to get close to.
She just wanted to be real again. She hated the feeling of weightlessness. She hated the afterlife. She hated it. She hated it. She hated it.
In the midst of her burning thoughts, a boy bumped into her. She scowled at him.
"Sorry, mate, didn't see you there." He said with a thick accent, something between British and Scottish. 
"Excuse you." She growled. He looked at her, a smirk grew across his face. He was somewhat attractive, with shaggy, dirty-blonde hair and dark brown eyes. He had what someone might call...a baby face. He was tall, not as tall as Tobias, but tall.
"This party for you?" He waved around at her friends lingering in the room, making conversation, she almost forgot. "Looks bloody amazing for being held in the great beyond. Name's Newt. And you are?" He held out his hand to shake. The great beyond what a way to say it. 
She was caught off guard by this "Newt" character. His charm made her think twice about her hatred for this wretched place. However, she was puzzled. She'd never seen him in Chicago or in the outland. 
She took his and gave it a firm shake. Touching people would never feel the same, it felt like touching someone through water, hesitant, unsure, weightless. But his hand felt almost...real, like they were somewhat still alive. His palm was callused.
She stumbled over her words. "Beatrice- I mean, Tris. Just Tris."
He smiled and nodded, "Nice to meet you, Just Tris. So, uh, you new here?" He ran a hand through his hair, disheveling it.
"Yeah, you could say that. Where are you from? You don't look like you're from Chicago." Tris asked.
"Don't know what a bloody Chicago is." Newt sighed and looked her in the eye. "I'm from the Glade, group A."
"Glade? Group A. Forgive me, but that doesn't make sense." He must be out of his mind. Or there could- he could be another person from behind the walls.
"Yeah, it's shucked up where I'm from." He chuckled then turned a bit stern as if he were trying to fight off a memory.
"I should get going." Tris said. She was wondering if she could find a way to see Tobias from here.
"Alright." He smirked. "See ya around? Tris." 
"Sure. Newt." 
He smiled. He looked like he hadn't smiled- really smiled- in a long time. He looked sincerely happy.
She wanted that. To be happy again. 

Xoxo KKHughz

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