He got socked!

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Just a creepy little story.
"Is that Julia?" Calum whispers through the darkness. I raise my binoculars and zoom in.
"'Tis Julia Donners, the fairest maiden in the land." I whisper back. Julia walks down the steps of the blue house and heads to her car where she promptly gets in and drives away. I sigh. She's so beautiful.
"Whose house is she leaving? Why was she here? This is a creepy neighborhood. " Calum asks. And shivers. We get up from our spot behind the bushes and walk to my car a.k.a my mom's minivan. This is our new favorite game.
"Sandy Langley, her newest boyfriend. I've done some research, looked at his media and all." I open the backdoor and pull out our bag of goodies. 
"And you've gathered?"
"Let's just say...we're doing her a favor." I close the door and walk back to the house, Calum trailing behind, my ever-so-loyal sidekick. When I first introduced him to this game he was wary, not fully convinced of it's fun. Not until he started playing, then he became obsessed. He had a knack for the game, got really good at his role, of course, not as good as me.
"You always say that, Manny." He laughs. 
"What can I say? She'd be perfect if she didn't fall for such jerky guys. I mean come on! The last one was cheating on her. The one before that snorted cocaine. And the one before that beat me up in middle school!" 
"Where do you think she went?" He asks, sounding a little nervous, probably afraid she might come back and see us. No need for nerves though, we've played many times and were making our way through the levels with ease.
"Home. She never stays out past one."
When we get to the door, Calum starts picking the lock, his gloved hands moving elegantly as he turns and jerks the skeleton key.  Finally, the lock gives ease. I twist the knob and we file into the house with swift steps. The lights were off but the light from the tv was enough for us to find our way.
There on the sofa sat an unconscious Sandy Langley. His chin resting on his chest. Julia hadn't even been gone five minutes and the guy's already out. Didn't even stay up to call and make sure she got home safely. What a low life. This will be an easy level.
Once I figured out the best angle, I gave Calum the knee sock and crouched down in front of the guy.
His dark hair looks oily, like he put mayonnaise in it. He has stubble that itches it's way over his mouth and down his neck. He is actually quite the handsome guy, I can almost understand why Julia liked him. If only she knew the things he's done.
Calum was behind him now, ready to go when I was. I cupped his face in my hands, his stubble scratching my palms. The guy doesn't startle when I slowly lift his head up, giving Calum the room he needs.
I nod and Calum yanks the sock back, stretching roughly across Sandman's neck. His eyes fly open. This is my favorite part in the game because in those last few moments before his screen goes dark, all he sees is me smiling.
I put a finger to my lips, "shh."
Game over.
Xoxo KKHughz

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