Kenji and Us

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So my friend and I are big fans of the Shatter me series and Kenji is our husband so I wrote a fic.
Dont hate me for killing off Nazeera! It was only for this fic I swear and I would never wish her dead bc I actually really like them together!

The sand is cold under my feet, the tiny grains finding homes in between my toes. I don't mind though, no reason to be bitter over the smallest of things even if they are a bit tedious to extract. All things have a purpose. Mine? Well, I haven't lived enough to know.
"Hey." I'd know that voice anywhere: Kenji Kishimoto. I'm surprised he didn't try to scare me, usually he's able to make me scream like a five-year old girl and stumble over in fear. Not my finest moments.
"Hey." I respond and turn around, my dark red hair flying into my face as my body stands against the wind. I feel like I'm flying.
"Hey." He says again. He's wearing a loose white shirt and rolled up blue Jean's, shoes in hand. He smiles and steps closer to me.
"You already said that." I say. He pushes a strand of hair behind my hair, only for it to whip my face again. His hair is also disheveled. 
There is a silence between us. He stares at me and I stare at him.
He swats my shoulder and takes off running, yelling behind him, "you're it!"
I run after him, digging my feet deep into the sand and propelling myself forward. Again and again and again.
Until finally I'm right behind him. But before I can reach him he makes a sharp left and splashes into the water. Drops of the ocean scatter my face. He turned to face though and he topples over, spraying more water. I fall over laughing. He's laughing too.
I crawl over to him, my knees in the cool water and my sundress soaked at the bottom.
"" I say through giggles.
He splashes water at me. "My pride's a little bruised but at least you aren't Warner. He would never let this go."
"Since when do you play tag with Warner." I ask, still laughing a little bit.
"Well, never, but still." He sits up and we stay there, letting the water run over our legs. I never thought I'd actually be here, in the presence of people like me.
Six years ago, when Juliette took down the Reestablishment, I was living in the outlands. The village, where my family and I lived, wasn't a part of the Sectors. We weren't under Anderson's control. Our village was in a valley. We had hunters and gatherers and scouts that went out to find food. Our homes were built of wood and rock. Every night there was a fire in the middle of the village and all of the people would come out of their homes to sing songs and dance. 
The children didn't go to school, our mothers taught us what their mothers taught them and so on. We knew there were other people in the world but they were evil and manipulative.
They wanted to hurt us, we are what they call: Unnaturals, people with abilities.
My mother could make people do things for her when she sang. My father called her a Siren. My father could read people's thoughts, see what they see.
Me? I'm able to control people with my mind, I can manipulate their thoughts and feelings. I used it when I ran away from my village, three years after the fall of the Reestablishment. I wanted to know more, see the world. 
Eventually I came across a city, that's when I met Kenji, or should I say I attacked Kenji. I thought he was trying to mug me!
I didn't know much about civilization, I just assumed he was evil and I had to protect myself. He hated me for a while after that, he still has scars from where I scratched him. What caught me off guard the most, was that he could go invisible. I didn't know other people could do that. I thought that it was just my village. 
After he convinced me that he wasn't a threat, he took me to see their leader, or what he called, Supreme.
Juliette Ferrars.
She's a nice girl. She let me stay in her and her husband's home for three weeks. I don't think he was very happy about that. Aaron Warner has horrible people skills. He barely said a word to me. After that I stayed with twin girls named Sonya and Sara, right now I'm living with a couple named Brendan and Winston.
The thing about Juliette that used to scares people, is that she can kill people with her touch. Like, before she could control it, if you bumped into when she had a tank top on, you're a dead man. Not to mention she has super strength and invincibility.
Warner can sense emotions and absorb other people's abilities. 
"Yoohoo! Violet!" His voice shakes me from the memories and I'm brought back to the scene in front of me. 
The sun is setting.
The air smells of smoke, someone has built a fire down the shore. It reminds me of how my father smelled, he and his friends were always the first ones to light the bonfire. There's an ache in my chest and I long for those moments, my old life. But my old life was a lie.
I face Kenji, he has a smirk plastered on his face.
Not all people are evil. The world is no longer what it used to be.
"What?" I whisper.
He nods toward the dunes. I look and see Juliette bounding toward us, Warner walks behind her, a rare smile on his face.
She launches herself into Kenji's arms. He twirls her. I feel a hint of jealousy at the sight but force it out.
"Hey Princess. How is ruling the world going?" He asks.
She's only a year older than me, twenty-four years old, and she's responsible for so much. Of course Warner helps her a lot, so do the rest of the children of the old Supremes. 
Except Nazeera. 
She died right before I showed up. She was Kenji's girlfriend.
From what I know about her, she was a baddie and her death is not the death she deserved. She was shot by rogue soldiers, soldiers of alliance to the Reestablishment. She was found by Sam, in an alley. 
When they found the soldiers, Juliette executed them. After that, Kenji wasn't the same.
But today, we're spreading her ashes. 
I didn't know her but I know the impact she left on them. The people I consider my friends, my family.
Warner gives Kenji a guy-hug. He doesn't hug a lot of people especially Kenji, but this is a bit of a sad day for all of them.
The three musketeers, that's what they remind me of.
Kenji gives him a tight smile and I know that the jokes are over and it's time to be serious.
Juliette pulls the urn out of a bag and hands it to Kenji.
We are born from the sea with a purpose, we may return with heavy hearts but we will always return.

Xoxo KKHughz

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