Soda for Christina

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Christina's POV

I'm sitting on the couch waiting for Soda to pick me up for our date while listening to Mom rant about my brother Two Bit's drinking.
"He's wasting his life away, just like your father did. Booze completely took control over him. Every night he came home he would beat us all til we were-"

I cut her off right there. "Yeah mom, I know what dad did I was here while you sat there and let him. And, why don't you talk to Two about yourself instead of sending me off to." I snap.

I don't mean to be rude to her. I'm just sick of her complaining all the time and not doing anything about it. She opens her mouth to answer, but she stops and presses her lips into a straight line.

"Mom, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-" she cuts me off this time. "No no it's okay. I'm gonna go lay down for a bit." And she leaves to her room and quietly shuts the door.

Dammit! Now I'm gonna feel bad all night. I wish I could control my damn mouth. Then there was a knock on the door. Probably Soda. Too bad I'm gonna feel like shit for our date. I get up to answer the door.

"Hey baby!" he lets himself in to give me a hug. His hugs are so warm and sweet. "Hey sweetheart." I smile back. He seems to know something's wrong but he doesn't say anything. We walked out to his car and he opens the door for me. I smile and slide in. He shuts the door and walks around to the other side and sits down next to me.

We get to the Nightly Double and pay our way in. We both think it's fair to pay our way in like everybody else. We take our seats and the movie starts. Soda puts his arm around me and pulls me close. It's so cold out and I forgot my jacket on the couch back home. Soda takes his jacket off and holds it out to me. I shake my head no. "No babe I don't want you to get sick. Keep it, I'm fine." He sighs and shakes his head. "I don't want YOU to get sick." I smile slightly and put the jacket on. He's so sweet.

"Baby girl are you okay? You seem sad. Please tell me what's wrong. I can't stand to see you this way." I look at him and his deep blue eyes look worried and hurt. "I'm okay Soda, I just got into it with my mom before you came. She got her feelings hurt and I feel bad." I explain.

"Aww don't worry doll. We will make it up to her." He smiles sweetly. "We?" I ask quietly. "Of course! You never have to do anything alone! I will always be right beside you through everything!" I can't help but smile like an idiot when he talks to me like that. "There's that smile. Now tell me what happened Christina." he looks at me with his full attention. "She was complaining about how much Two drinks and how he's gonna end up like dad and beat us. And I said 'yeah mom I was there while you sat and watched. why don't you talk to Two yourself instead of making me do it.' I shouldn't have said that cause I know she's afraid he'll leave like my dad did. I tried to apologize but she went to her room and shut the door." I say trying to hold back tears.

He smiles at me sadly and pulls me closer. "Well, I think there's a pretty easy solution to this crisis." he says. "What would that be?" I choke. "Don't cry Chris. We can leave the movie early, go get Two Bit, and he can tell her himself that he will never leave you guys." he wipes the tears that started to roll down my cheeks.

"You would stop our date to help me make up with my mom?" I turn my face from the movie to Soda. "Of course I will do that for you Christina! Family is everything! I know you would the same for me if my parents were still here-" He stops himself. Soda never brings up his parents. "I'm sorry Soda. And I would do the same in a heartbeat."

His kisses my lips and stands up. He takes my hand and helps me up. Once we get to the car he opens my door for me and we drive to find Two Bit. "Where do you think we should look first?" Soda asks. "The Liquor Store..." I mumble. He turns right and we're parked outside the liquor store. "I'll go in. Stay here." Soda says and I obey.

He comes out and shakes his head. "The owner hasn't seen him all night." he says as he slides into the car next to me. "At least he'll be sober when he talks to our mom." I reply and lay my head on his shoulder as he pulls out of the parking lot. "Thank you Sodapop." I say and look up at him. He smiles at me and nods. "You're welcome Christina. I love you."

"I love you too." I smile back and kiss his cheek. We decide to look at the Dingo. That's where we find him too. This time Soda holds my hand as we walk up to the booth. "Hey Two!" Soda greets. "Hey guys what's up? Is something wrong, I thought y'all were at the Nightly Double." he looks so thrown off I would've laughed if this wasn't so serious.

"We left to come find you. Can you please come home with me to talk to mom? She was ranting about your drinking again. She said she's afraid you're gonna end up like dad and hurt us then leave." I say with tears in my eyes. "How am I suppose to help you talk to her?" He asks. "Well, I thought you could reassure your mom that you wouldn't leave them." Soda says.

Two Bit smiles. "Sure Chris. I help you get out of the pickle with mom. By the way I would NEVER leave you guys." he gets up and hugs me. It through me off how nice he was being about this. I guess this is sober Keith Matthews for ya. He chuckles at my awkwardness and we all three walk to Soda's car.

When we pull up to our house, I see my mom sitting on the couch reading a book. Soda and Two tell me to go in first and they'll be right behind me. I do what they say without arguing because I want this to go as planned. I walk through the screen door and my mom glances up at me. "How was it?" she asked me blankly. Obviously asking out of necessity because she was still hurt from what I said. "It was okay. I felt bad the entire time for how I talked to you earlier. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings mo-"

Two Bit walks through the front door. "Hey Ma! Look, Christina told me bout what happened 'tween y'all earlier. Mom, I know you worry, but I could never leave you guys. You're my family. I love you girls!"

My mom's eyes start to tear up. "I'm sorry Keith. I just know how hard it's been on you since your dad left and-" Two looked shocked. "Mom that's not why I drink. I drink cause I enjoy it. I'm not an alcoholic. I just like to drink a couple beers." he explains.

We all know he drinks way more than a few but I wasn't gonna say anything. I just want my family back. My mom brings us both into a group hug. Two Bit has an arm around both of us. "I gotta go say bye to Soda!" I say.

I walk out the door and he's sitting on the porch with a huge grin. I jump into his arms and give him a big hug. "Thank you for the help baby." I whisper in his ear. "Anytime." he whispers back. "Goodnight." I say and attach my lips to his. "Goodnight, I love you." he mumbles against my lips. We pull apart and he drives home.

This is for @bands_and_80s_movies! I hope you like it since it's my first imagine.

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